Discover Why Our Shred Cycle Is The Perfect Fit To Help You Tighten And Tone Your Midsection And Get A Leaner Body, All While Enjoying Your Favorite High Carb Foods Every Single Week...
Based on the answers you gave in the Carb Cycling Quiz, we've calculated that our Shred Cycle is the perfect place for you to start with your current goals...
You want a Carb Cycle that is going to be geared towards both allowing you to burn fat while maintaining your lean muscle. And out of all our Carb Cycles, that's what Shred Cycle is set up to do.
On the Shred Cycle, you'll be focusing on putting together a good combination of Lower/Higher Carb days so that you can reach your goals quickly. And by following the 1-1 Carb Cycle as discussed in the video above, you are going to start seeing incredible results within the next few days!
Here's the main difference between our Shred Cycle and many of today's most popular diets:
The Shred Cycle allows you to eat LOTS of great tasting foods every single week, and doesn't require cutting calories or counting every food that goes into your body. Instead...
You simply focus on whether today is a low carb day or a high carb day. It's really that simple. And again...
You are NOT counting calories. You are NOT weighing your foods. And you are most definitely NOT starving yourself.
Our Shred Cycle allows you to eat tons of great foods and the reason it works so well is because of the 1-1 Carb Cycle that you will follow.
I know that may sound different than what you've tried in the past, but it works extremely well. This is the cycle I follow all the time to continue getting leaner and leaner while enjoying a ton of great foods!
Carb Cycling is one of the easiest approaches around and has been proven to work for years.
Even better, Carb Cycling is NOT just a “quick fix”. Yes, carb cycling works faster than anything we’ve tried before…
But unlike most diets, Carb Cycling is easy to stick to in the long term because of the flexibility that it allows.
Now, based on your answers to the quiz, we know that our Shred Cycle is going to work perfectly for you.
The Shred Cycle is based on YOUR body and YOUR goals, so that you can get amazing results. And if our clients below can get results, YOU can too...
Check Out What Lisa Accomplished In Just A Few Short Weeks...
Jai Completely Transformed Her Midsection...
And Adam Was Finally Able To See His Abs After Just 3-Weeks...
People all over the world are seeing incredible results on the Shred Cycle. And like I said before...
If it works for them, it will most certainly work for you!
We have packaged everything for you below, into our Shred Cycle System so that you can get started immediately.
We have broken everything down for you to make it so simple, anyone can get started within minutes.
We lay out the best foods to eat, when to eat them, and how much to eat in order to help you get your fastest possible results.
We have literally done everything for you, so all you need to do is follow the plan and get the results you want.
Introducing The Shred Cycle...
Inside The Shred Cycle, You'll Discover...
How to quickly and easily get started with carb cycling so that you can start TODAY...
Your EXACT Carb Cycling schedule that will help you lose weight fast and keep it off for good...
The best foods to eat while carb cycling (protein, carbs, and fats)...
The best times to have your low carb and high carb days...
Exactly how much you should be eating for YOUR body to maximize success...
Done-for-you meals so that you don't have to do anything but follow the plan.
And so much more...
We've done all the work for you...
That’s not all…
We are also including FIVE different FREE bonuses to make 100% sure that you succeed on the Shred Cycle.
FREE BONUS #1: Fast Start Guide
First, is the Fast Start Guide, where we walk you through the entire program in less than 10-minutes.
This is for those of you who are extremely busy or those who just want to get started immediately.
The Fast Start Guide has taken everything that you need to know from the main manual, and put it into a compact, easy-to-understand format that will allow you to start TODAY.
It includes everything from meals examples, workouts, carb cycling tips, and more.
FREE BONUS #2: Progress Sheets
Next, we are including the Shred Cycle Progress sheets.
As you go through the program, you will be able to cross off each day you are on and see yourself moving closer to your goals each step of the way.
These progress charts were requested by many of our clients and have been a huge tool for helping people stay on track.
So get out your big red marker and get ready to SEE your progress!
FREE BONUS #3: Shopping Guide
Now, we understand that shopping for healthy foods can be a little confusing and intimidating. It was for that reason that we created this no-fluff shopping list that will keep on the right path when purchasing the best fat burning foods.
This report can be easily printed off and kept with you as you shop each week. And, what you will quickly notice is how simple shopping for healthy foods can be.
FREE BONUS #4: Meal Prep Manual
Now, one of the biggest keys to the success you’ll see is preparation. If you are anything like 99% of the clients we work with, you are super busy and don’t have a lot of free time to cook.
Well, we have some great news for you. In this unique report, we will show you exactly how to cook ALL your meals for the week in under 90-minutes.
Plus, you will discover our “no-cook” method for making healthy meals throughout the week and how to spend just 2-3 minutes in the morning preparing a delicious fat burning breakfast.
This is a HUGE time saver and something that will set you up for great success every single week.
FREE BONUS #5: Carb Cycling Recipes
Finally, like we mentioned earlier, we’ve creating some amazing recipes for Carb Cycling so that it doesn’t even feel like you are on a diet.
And we wanted to give you 27 of our best Carb Cycling recipes that were designed with simplicity in mind.
All the recipes you will find are incredibly easy to make and take just minutes to prepare.
You will find recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... As well as smoothies, appetizers, and snacks.
Now, I am sure you can see the tremendous value in this system. It gives you a step by step plan on exactly how to get your best and fastest possible results using your specific carb cycle.
And it should be clear why when we first released this tailored program to our clients, we were charging them $197 to get access to everything.
And although you’d agree that it is completely worth that price...
You have already shown us that you are an action taker by going all the way through our Carb Cycling Quiz, which proves to us that you are ready to start losing weight and getting lean once and for all…
So we want to do something special for you on this page today.
We want to give you the full Shred Cycle and ALL 5 Bonuses at a HUGE discount.
Because we are just releasing the brand new Shred Cycle System, Kelsey and I decided to price the next few copies at an INSANELY low price. However, like I mentioned before, we will only be able to release a limited number at this low price before Kelsey and I get too overwhelmed with emails. Which, at that point, we will HAVE TO RAISE THE PRICE.
So make sure you take advantage and get your special release price while it's still available:
On this page today, you are going to get instant access to the Shred Cycle for just a one-time payment of $17!
That’s right, just one single payment of $17 and you get instant access to the Shred Cycle plus all 5 bonuses.
And if that’s not enough, we want to give this to you 100% risk free.
Listen, we are so confident that our Shred Cycle that we want to give you our 60-day money back guarantee.
That means, if for any reason at all you feel like the Shred Cycle is not right for you, all you need to do is email us and we will refund your payment immediately, no questions asked.
That way, you have zero risk in trying the Shred Cycle today.
We have now worked with over 10,000 people from all over the world and have shown them the power of carb cycling.
Carb Cycling is different than any other diet that is out there as it allows you to eat the foods you love every single week, while bringing you long lasting energy and results...
So to get started on the Shred Cycle today 100% risk free, click the “BUY NOW!” button below now.
We are so excited to get the opportunity to work with you and want you to know that we will be there for you every step of the way.
We run a small 3 person operation here, which means when you email us, we get back to you quickly with a personalized response to your questions.
That means you get our full support as you go through the Shred Cycle, which is the closest thing to having us right there by your side.
So get started on our Shred Cycle today, and let’s start getting you the results you desire and deserve!
Click the ‘BUY NOW!’ button below now, and let’s get started together!
You have questions? We’ve got answers:
What is the Shred Cycle and why does it work so fast?
The Shred Cycle is a rapid fat loss system that combines a unique carb cycling that is geared towards those that are trying to lose less than 10-pounds and want to get more lean and toned.
The key to the program is the set-up and simplicity. Everything has been perfectly placed so that you can lose weight fast while still enjoying the foods you lose. Put simply, the Shred Cycle allows your body to unlock the right fat burning formula to allow for insane fat loss.
Will I have to starve myself on the program?
Absolutely not. I ALWAYS say to “eat when your hungry and until you are satisfied.” That’s really the key. Plus, on certain days I will actually show you how to eat MORE and still burn more fat than before. This strategic approach allows you to increase fat burning and keep your hard earned lean muscle.
Can I use this Shred Cycle more than just once?
Yes! Carb Cycling is something Dennis and I, and our clients do year round. And as you start seeing super fast weight loss, we can show you how to continually see your best results with the system!
Will I lose my muscle with this program?
Nope! The way the program is designed it’s meant for you to keep ALL your lean muscle while only eliminating fat. It’s a pretty sweet deal.
Regular Price: $47 Today's Price: $17
Does the program work just as good for women as it does men?
The truth is, the majority of the clients using this system right now are women and are seeing incredible results. Health and fitness does not discriminate, so whether you are a man or woman reading this right now, it WILL work for you.
What if it doesn’t work for me?
Then it is FREE!
If you follow the simple steps in the Shred Cycle system, do exactly what it says and follow the outline, and for ANY reason you are not satisfied, just email me and I will refund your money. Simple as that!
I’m making it just that simple because I want you to be able to get started with Shred Cycle today with zero risk, knowing you’ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Regular Price: $47 Today's Price: $17
Get Started On The Shred Cycle Today!
Quiz Provided By:
The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on this site is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given on this site are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given on this site are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.
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