Are Your Ready To Tone Your Body & Torch Your Abs In The Next 14-Days?

Start Your 14-Day Tone & Torch Challenge!

Are You Ready To Tone Your Body & Torch Your Abs In The Next 14-Days?

The Tone & Torch Challenge Has Everything You Need For The Next 14-Days To Get Amazing Results. Let's Go!

The Tone & Torch Challenge Has Everything You Need To Get Amazing Results In The Next 14-Days. Let's Go!

The Holiday Season coming up fast, right now is the time to amp up your workouts and get your body primed so that you can look and feel your best going into the Fall.

And that's why I put together this 14-Day Tone & Torch Program - over the next 14-days you will get in some amazing workouts (that are all under 25-minutes) and you will hit every body part (legs, glutes, arms, abs!) so that you can see your best possible results. 

I cannot believe it's September. With the Holiday Season coming up fast, right now is the time to amp up your workouts and get your body primed so that you can look and feel your best going into the Fall.

And that's why I put together this 14-Day Tone & Torch Challenge - over the next 14-days you will get in some amazing workouts (that are all under 25-minutes) and you will hit every body part (legs, glutes, arms, abs!) so that you can see your best possible results. 

Hey There, it's Kelsey!

Are you worried about getting out of the groove with your workouts and nutrition as we approach the Holidays? If so, you are not alone. The truth is, just about everyone I talk too is worried about this. But you don't need to be. Especially when you have a PLAN and SUPPORT to keep you on track, you will be able to enjoy this time of year (and all your favorite treats) without stressing about your fitness. AND...

With the 14-Day Tone & Torch Program, it's going to be EASY to get your body primed and ready for the Fall. With FAST, FUN, and EFFECTIVE workouts, you will be ready to see amazing results in the next 14-days!

Plus, you'll be doing this with a supportive group of people that's going to hold you accountable and make it way more fun!

Here's a quick glance at how I programmed these workouts: 

~Monday: Legs & Cardio
~Tuesday: Abs
~Wednesday: Upper Body & Finisher
~Thursday: Abs
~Friday: Full Body 

Even better, these workouts are UNDER 25-minutes and will help you progress each workout!

I'll give you everything you need to see results, all I need you to do is say "YES!"

You Can Achieve A LOT In Just 14-Days... My Goal Is To Help You:

  • Support your metabolism with short bouts of exercise that require just one set of dumbbells so that you can do it right at home...
  • heart
    Increase your energy and focus as you take on these brand new under 25-minute workouts over the next 14-days (and yes, you get rest days too!)...
  • Improve your strength and cardio as you take on uniquely designed workouts that will challenge any fitness level (from beginner to advanced)
  • Love the way you look and feel after only 14-days as you complete these short and powerful workouts...

Here's What You Get With The 14-Day Tone & Torch Challenge:

14-Day Tone & Torch Workouts

You're going to a full 14-Days worth of workouts, with rest days built in. I programmed 5 workouts per week and two rest days. The workouts are designed to hit ALL body parts, and you will especially be hitting your abs as I've created some ab specific workouts for you!

Each workout lasts less than 25-minutes and they can be done right at home with just one set of dumbbells!

Each workout will challenge you in a new way, so get ready to have some fun and see results!

Follow Along Workout Videos

You and I get to workout together! That’s right… Every workout features a full follow along video.

Simply press “PLAY” and do the workouts with me! Every workout comes with modifications, so no matter what your fitness level, you can crush these workouts. 

With these workouts, you can expect to see some amazing progress in just 14-days!

Access To The HIITBURN Private Group

One of the best parts about our challenge is our Private Support Group. Inside this group, you will be able to talk with other challengers, post your post workout selfies, talk about your struggles, share your wins, and so much more. 

I have never seen such a supportive group, and know that we welcome each person with open arms! Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or have been working out your whole life... Where this is your first challenge or your 10th challenge... This group is for you!

And with this challenge, you'll get instant access when you sign up today!

I've Got BONUSES For You!

BONUS: Mobility Workouts!

Along with your 14-Day Tone & Torch Challenge, I am also including two different Mobility Workouts that you can do. 

These are great to do before or after a workout, or on an off day!

Each one will help you improve your mobility, flexibility, and will even help strengthen your core.

My Go To Recipes

I often get asked about my go-to meals and recipes, so I thought I'd put those together for you and give them to you!

Included inside are my favorite breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, and more. Plus...

These are incredibly SIMPLE to make and take as little as 10-15 minutes to whip together!

"OK, I am ready to start! How much does it cost?"

The 14-Day Tone & Torch Challenge is just one payment of $29. AND...

You get lifetime access so you can always re-do this whenever you feel like you need it!




Workout Videos and Manual

I'll be providing you with all the workouts that you need for the next 14-days, in both follow along video and written format!

Fast, Fun, and Effective Workouts

Under 25-minutes is all you need. Just follow the workouts and stay on track!


When you post about the workouts you're doing for the challenge, be sure to use these two hashtags: 



Don't Forget To Follow us @hiitburn

Be sure to follow us on Instagram @hiitburn :)




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DISCLAIMER: This site provides general information for you to discuss with your physician. This site does not provide any professional advice or services. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained here are not a substitute for consulting with your physician, and should only be used as part of planning your development of an overall health and fitness plan with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision.  Our Terms of Service limit our liability to you, and you are required to read and agree to them before using our site.

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