Did you know that there are 3 ab exercises, ones that you may be doing right now, that are actually holding you back from getting the flat stomach you want?
You see, when you are trying to get a flatter and leaner stomach, there are certain exercises that do nothing in terms of boosting your metabolism so that you can burn the stubborn fat around your stomach.
It's true! And today, I am going to share the 3 ab exercises you should AVOID as well as a simple technique you can use to finally flatten your belly...
Although I love using sit-ups and crunches for gaining STRENGTH in your abs, when you are trying to get a flatter stomach... It's best to AVOID these.
There are exercises out there that will allow you to both build strength AND burn the fat around your abs, which are the ones you want to focus on.
Plus, often times when people do sit-ups and crunches, they end up getting hurt because they do not know the proper form and don't have the proper support under their back.
On top of that, it's been reported that it takes 22,000 crunches to burn 1-single pound of fat. That means if you have fat around you stomach, it's best to skip these and use the exercises on the next page instead...
I'll be honest, this is one of my least favorite exercises...
This exercise has been around ever since I started my fitness career nearly 10-years ago, and I still see people doing it in the gym. However...
I'm sorry to break it to you, but this will do NOTHING when trying to eliminate your love handles. Plus...
You can't spot reduce. So doing side bends won't magically eliminate those stubborn love handles...
Instead, you need to focusing on lowering your body fat if you really want a flatter stomach. And the best way to do that will be revealed in just a second...
This is one of the most commonly used exercises in the gym, yet another that does nothing when trying to get a flatter stomach...
This twisting exercise is just not natural for you body, doesn't burn many calories, and barely boosts your metabolism...
When you are trying to get a flatter stomach, it's all about CORE ACTIVATION.
And on the next page, you'll learn exactly what that is...