5 Foods To NEVER Eat In The Morning...

Are you aware that your metabolism is HIGHEST first thing in the morning? It's true. 

Your body is on a natural circadian clock which means it runs on a 24 hour cycle. And naturally, your metabolism is highest first thing in the morning. And...

This may surprise you, but there are certain foods that will actually slow down your metabolism if eaten first thing in the morning...

In this article we will be covering those 5 foods. And on the next page, you'll also learn the about the best times to eat these foods so that you never store them as fat.

First though, let's get to the 5 foods to NEVER eat in the morning...

They Are...​

If that is what’s running through your head right now or you are wondering WHY these are the 5 worst foods to eat in the morning, you're going to want to read below...

Because in the short article, I will tell you WHY these are the 5 worst foods to eat in the morning...

Then on the NEXT PAGE, I'll be revealing the best times to eat these foods as well as the easiest and best nutrition approach for burning fat fast. First though let's discuss...

WHY Are These The Worst Foods To Eat In The Morning?

Let's start with the easy one...


In recent years, this has been a popular choice especially after the whole "don't eat carbs" craze…

Yet, what most people don't know is many of the popular flavored yogurts have just as many carbs as breads, pastas, and rice.

Plus, these yogurts are artificially flavored and packed with sugar. In fact...

Just one 8 ounce yogurt can contain just as much sugar as a 12 ounce can of soda. And...

Often times, fruit flavored yogurt doesn’t even use natural fruit as the flavoring… Instead it uses chemical-laden syrups and concentrates...

And the “light” yogurts… Those are even worse.

“Light” yogurts often use artificial sweeteners that are exponentially sweeter than real sugar, which causes you to have MORE cravings for sweets...

Not only that, artificial sweeteners often found in light yogurts have been known to interfere with your metabolism and cell function, actually causing you to hold onto fat longer, leading to weight gain...

Crazy, right?

And let’s not forget the laundry list of other artificial ingredients…

Ingredients like…

Yea... You try pronouncing some of those...

While these ingredients may be added to create a certain taste or texture, they surely don’t do anything beneficial for your health.


Cereal has been one of the most popular breakfast foods since it was invented in 1863. Yet...

Most cereals these days are jam packed with sugar, artificial ingredients, and preservatives which add zero benefit to your health.

Lots of cereals are slapped with a “heart healthy” or “fat free” label, even when there is virtually zero nutritional value in the actual product, which is incredibly misleading.

While the label-makers may have good intentions in guiding consumers, there are simple facts that are not considered before awarding such labels as “heart healthy”, to many cereals...

The regulations are not very “strict” for being labeled “heart healthy” and don’t account for a lot of the extra ingredients that are included in these cereals…

In addition, the labels don’t take into account for HOW the processing affects the nutritional outcome of the ingredients… By this I mean that the processing that it takes to create cereal often strips out any nutritional value that the ingredients once had...

This is one of the biggest problems with cereal in addition to processed ingredients... It’s how it’s made!

The processing that it takes to get many cereals into their flake, square or other shapes takes grinding the grains into a flour, mixing it with water and other ingredients, applying tons of heat and pressure, which essential strips the grains of any nutrients they once had.

So even though you may be eating "whole grain" cereal, the majority of the nutrients ​are dead and gone...


While bread is tasty, the same problems persist as with cereal…

Bread has little nutritional value because of processing and artificial ingredients that are difficult for your body to digest....

In addition, bread is very high on the glycemic index, which causes your blood sugar to spike and then crash, leaving you feeling tired and lethargic...

This is also what leads to increased cravings, which can lead to weight gain.

One of the most popular breakfast breads is BAGELS. And although this may be a popular choice, it's actually one of the worst choices in the morning...

In one study, researchers found that​ by just switching out your morning bagel for something higher in protein can lead to increased weight loss and decrease your body fat percentage.

If you are going to eat bread, it's best to eat it later in the day and with some protein like chicken or turkey. Or keep it for your HIGH CARB day as we will discuss on the NEXT PAGE.


You may be really confused with why bananas are on the list of breakfast foods to avoid.

First, understand that we are NOT saying bananas are bad... We are just saying they aren't the best to eat in the morning...​

When eaten strategically and at the right times, bananas are a great fuel source.

However, there are a couple of reasons to avoid eating bananas right away in the morning on an empty stomach…

Bananas are one of the more carb-heavy fruits, plus they contain a high amount of natural sugars.

While these carbs and natural sugars aren’t necessarily bad, eating bananas on an empty stomach causes your insulin levels to spike, while your body is in the process of slowly digesting the carbohydrates and fiber in the bananas.

This is not a good combo in the morning because this can lead to the sugars being stored as fat instead of being metabolized as fuel into your cells.

The best time to eat bananas is pre or post workout or as a afternoon snack as this is when you will be able to use those carbs and natural sugar for recovery and fat burning. If you still want to have your morning banana, try eating it with some protein and healthy fats!


Now, this may or may not be surprising to you… Traditionally, OJ is viewed as a staple to a “balanced breakfast” because it is high in Vitamin C.

While Orange Juice has a relatively high amount of Vitamin C, this doesn’t make up for the ridiculously high sugar content.

This makes OJ equivalent to drinking a can of Coke when you compare the sugar content… And that includes the “no sugar added” kinds of juice too. I know, it’s shocking!

Essentially, the benefits of the vitamins, don’t outweigh the overwhelming amount of sugar...

"So What Do I Do Next?"

Luckily, there are many incredibly delicious alternatives that you can have for your first meal of the day that will benefit you and your metabolism much more! And…

There is one strategic way that you should eat these higher carb foods so that you can burn more fat, increase your metabolism, and extend your prime hours for fat burning...

On the very next page, we'll let you in on the specifics of our simple nutrient timing approach with what we call "Carb Cycle Sequencing",  and the best times to eat for your favorite high carb foods, and how you can get started as soon as tomorrow morning...