It's time to start ENJOYING your nutrition!
If you're like most people, your answer is probably never... Sadly, the majority of diet plans on the market today are far too restrictive and straight up confusing. And let's be honest...
The majority of diets are the furthest thing from ENJOYABLE.
Yet, what if I were to tell you that there was a simple way to make your diet enjoyable while still bringing you the results you want... Would you be interested? I bet you would!
You see, the main reason diets are not enjoyable (and do not work as well as you hope) is simple:
Most diets are made for a general population, not a specific person (YOU!) And...
After 5 years of testing over 50 different diet approaches (yes, FIFTY), I finally came to the realization that diets are NOT “one-size-fits-all”.
Sure, the foundation of many diets can work for people, but to truly see your absolute best results…
You see, after those 5 years of frustration and going through over 50+ diets, it wasn’t until I started creating my own nutrition plans based on MY body that I started seeing real results.
I took bits and pieces from diets that worked well and that I enjoyed, then made it into a plan around what my body responded to best. Then…
I took that same process and started created diets for the clients I was training...
I personalized the plans to their bodies and as a result, they started seeing better results and were finally enjoying their diet because they were eating the foods they loved! And..
That's what I want to do for you today! I want to give you a plan that you will enjoy and can easily stick so that you can see the results you want.
As you already know, most diets are a "quick fix" and have a short lifespan simply because they are far to strict.
And we all know people cannot stick with something they are not enjoying... Yet...
What if there was a way for you to eat the foods you love, lose the weight you want, and ENJOY the process?
Carb cycling can and should be used by everyone, however, it should be done at different levels. The reason for that is simple:
Everybody and every BODY is different. And...
Coach Kelsey & Coach Rachel
For carb cycling to be best utilized, it needs to be personalized around your body, your goals, and your lifestyle.
Here's Why:
Let's say you are a women who has 30 pounds to lose, your main focus should be on eating a mostly lower carb diet for 3 days each week (eating protein, healthy fats, and lots of veggies) then incorporate a few higher carb days on the remaining days of the week. Then...
Once you start losing weight (which it will), you can then start adding in more carbs to your diet.
If, however, you are starting out only needing to lose... Say 15 pounds... Your carb cycle would look different.
You see, Carb Cycling is very much based around your body and goals... Which is why it's so important to figure out the right carb cycle for YOUR body!
Carb cycling is an amazing approach for those looking to lose those last few pounds of body fat without having to worry about sacrificing any muscle OR for those who have weight to lose and want an ENJOYABLE way to lose it.
When you carb cycle, what you are really doing is keeping your body guessing on a daily basis. One day you are having a lower amount of carbs and the next day your are shocking the body with a higher carb day. And...
One of the biggest factors of why this approach works so well when it comes to building lean muscle, eliminating fat, and losing weight is because of insulin.
Insulin is a highly anabolic (or muscle building) hormone, so when it is present it promotes muscle growth and performance.
However, insulin is also very efficient at storing body fat when it stays around for a long period of time (which many of us force it to do when we eat too many carbs at the wrong times!).
That is why it can be dangerous and why we must manipulate insulin to work for us and not against us.
By keeping your higher carb days on workout days, you are allowing insulin to maintain and grow your muscles without having to worry about storing fat.
Then as you transition into a lower carb day, your body gets shocked and allows for you to burn fat while maintaining your muscle. When cycling through high and low carb days, you are training your body to stay at optimal muscle building and fat burning levels.
Essentially what you are doing, is one day you are telling your body to build lean muscle while the next day you are telling it to burn fat. It is a pretty spot on cycle if you ask me. And...
This is the reason those who cycle and time their carbs properly are able to drop to very low body fat levels all while maintaining or adding lean muscle.
Now, carb cycling isn't just about cycling your carbs... There are two other macronutrients that play a big role too.
Maybe you've heard the statement before, "Calories in, calories out"...
And although there is a little bit of truth to this statement, this can also be your downfall when trying to get the body you want...
You see, there are 3 main Macronutrients that your body gets from the foods you eat:
1) Protein
2) Fats
3) Carbohydrates
And your body reacts differently to each one of these macronutrients which is why it is so important to eat the correct amount for your body.
For example, protein helps your body build and preserve your lean muscle, helps you recover faster, and will help you feel fuller longer (so you don't feel as hungry!).
Whereas carbohydrates are one of the best sources of energy for your body and when utilized properly can be the BEST way for you to lose weight faster.
Then there are your fats which will help you burn fat (if you eat the correct ones), help you feel full for longer, and will give you long lasting energy!
The Key is eating the right protein, fats, and carbs at the right times.
Now if this sounds confusing, don't worry, it's NOT!
I am a firm believer that a diet and nutrition plan is not meant to be confusing, is not meant to be boring, and should not be overly strict.
I also feel that you should NEVER count calories, and NEVER measure or weigh your food. That alone sounds miserable.
And this is part of the reason so many people "yo-yo diet" and are never able to see the results they want.
The best and #1 way to get the results you want is having a plan that suits YOU!
If you’re tired of jumping from one diet to the next to only see mediocre results, and finally want to discover the easiest way to diet for your body, then I have great news:
There is an easy way to get a nutrition plan based around your body, using the most powerful techniques to ensure you see your best results…
Even better, you won't have to eat foods you don't enjoy. That means if you don’t like eating broccoli, you don’t have to eat broccoli.
There is nothing worse than having to follow a diet plan that includes eating foods you don’t even enjoy.
That’s why I want to create a plan for you, allowing you to eat the foods you love, during the times that fit your schedule, and taking into account your lifestyle.
Every plan we build is based around YOU.
We then put a little twist on it (a unique carb cycling approach) to make 100% sure that you see your best results.
And this will be done through the foods YOU love. Which means everyone gets a different, customized plan.
Once you click the "ADD TO CART" button below, you will receive an email from us asking you to fill out a few questions so that we can start putting together your carb cycle...
We then go to work for you and put together a carb cycle plan based around the answers you give us, and we deliver your meal plan within 72 business hours...
Your meal plan arrives via email where you'll receive your fully done-for-you carb cycle for exactly how to eat for your body to see your absolute best results...
You start your plan, start seeing amazing results, and get full support from your HIITBURN Coach as you go through the plan. We are here for you every step of the way to guarantee your results...
The Shopping Guide is there to help you purchase the right foods and to make grocery shopping easy, all while saving you money.
Eating healthy does not need to be expensive, and that's exactly what we will show you in this guide.
The Carb Cycle Recipe Guide shows you how to make some of our favorite low and high carb meals. Not only are these meals very nutritious, they are ones you will CRAVE.
And the best part is, these recipes are simple and easy to make, only requiring a few ingredients each!
We know how important support and motivation is to your success... We decided to put 9 different workouts into full follow-along videos.
That means all you need to do is press 'Play' and follow along with us for each workout to accelerate your results even faster...
These workouts will come with coaching instruction from Dennis and I, so that you can get the most out of these workouts!
Let's start building a plan that fits YOU and that will finally allow you to achieve your goals!
Need To Get In Touch?
Email: [email protected]
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The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on this site is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given on this site are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given on this site are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.
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