How To Carb Cycling For A Flatter Stomach... 

We have covered the basics of carb cycling, now it is time to dive into a little more detail. As we know carb cycling is different for each person depending on your goals (although the basics stay the same). 

Below we will be covering a little bit more about how to carb cycle for YOUR body. 

Our Carb Cycling Plans are simple. They include lower carb and higher carb days. And you simply follow your schedule as is. Don't know your Carb Cycling Schedule? Take The Quiz!

So let's break it down...

On LOW Carb Days: Focus on eating lots of protein, healthy fats, and veggies with each meal
On HIGH Carb Days: Focus on eating lots of protein, complex carbs, and veggies with each meal

Pretty simple, right? And the best part is there is NO counting, NO weighing, and NO measuring. You simply focus on eating the foods outlined and you will see results. It's that simple!

When you Carb Cycle, here are a few of the ways carb cycling can benefit you:

  • Add lean muscle while lowering body fat levels at the same time
  • Lose fat while not sacrificing any of your hard earned muscle
  • Build muscle and burn fat at the same time

It really depends on your carb cycling approach and the goals that you wish to attain.

As was mentioned, nearly all bodybuilders will use carb cycling when trying to get ready for a show, and this is the approach that allows them to attain sub 5% body fat.

Now it is never recommended to stay that low in body fat, but it just shows the power of carb cycling when done correctly.

Who should carb cycle?

Carb cycling can be used by anyone, but should be done at different levels.

This right here is important: Depending on your goals will determine your Carb Cycle!

Take Our Short 30-Second Carb Cycling Quiz to determine YOUR Carb Cycle!

For example, if you have 20 or more pounds to lose, you will follow a different Carb Cycle than someone who only wanted to lose 5 pounds.

So it's really important to take your goals into account when choosing your Carb Cycle which is why our Carb Cycling Quiz is so helpful!

Why Does Carb Cycling Work?

When you carb cycle, what you are really doing is keeping your body guessing. One day you are having a very low amount of carbs and the next your are shocking the body with a high carb day.

One of the biggest factors of why this approach works so well when it comes to building muscle and eliminating fat at the same time is because of insulin.

Insulin is a highly anabolic (or muscle building) hormone, so when it is present it promotes muscle growth and performance.

However, insulin is also very efficient at storing body fat when it stays around for a long period of time (which many of us force it to do when we eat too many carbs at the wrong times!).

That is why it can be dangerous and why we must manipulate insulin to work for us and not against us.

By cycling your carbs properly, you are allowing insulin to maintain and grow your muscles without having to worry about storing fat.

Then as you transition into a lower, your body gets "shocked" and allows for you to burn fat while maintaining your muscle. When cycling through high and low carb days, you are training your body to stay at optimal muscle building and fat burning levels.

Essentially what you are doing, is one day you are telling your body to build muscle while the next day you are telling it to burn fat. It is a pretty spot on cycle if you ask me. And...

This is the reason those who cycle their carbs are able to see incredibly fast fat loss and fat burning results!

Basics of Carb Cycling

  • Determine your goals:

Remember, depending on your goals at the moment will determine your carb cycle. So...

Take Our Carb Cycling Quiz To Determine YOUR Carb Cycle!

  • Focus on eating REAL foods

Just because you are working out and having a high carb day doesn’t mean you should get your carbs from donuts and muffins. You should still be eating good sources of carbohydrates during your high carb days (sweet potatoes, yams, beans, rice, oatmeal, etc.)

  • Focus on getting great sources of protein, healthy fats, and veggies even when carb cycling

Carb cycling doesn’t mean you are cutting out the other key foods in your diet. You still need to be getting lots of protein, healthy fats, and veggies with your meals. Carb cycling is simply adding in carbs to your eating plan and timing them properly to work for you.

On the NEXT PAGE, you are going to learn an extremely simple and powerful fat burning approach that's been proven to work extremely well and it's one of the best carb cycling approaches I've come across. So...

Your next step is to click the button below that says 'NEXT PAGE'... And you'll discover how you can quickly and easily start burning fat using carb cycling!