By: Kelsey Heenan, HIITBURN
One of the questions I get asked most often when it comes to Carb Cycling, is "what does a low carb day and high carb day look like?"
Of course, everyone will be slightly different depending on food preferences, goals, starting point, etc. However...
Below, I have put together what a sample low and high carb day would look like.
Before we get to the meal examples, let me show you the incredibly simple template that we use in all our Carb Cycling Plans for your best results...
Low Carb Template:
For each meal, all you will do is fill in the blanks with the appropriate foods that we provide in our Carb Cycling Plans...
1) Choose One Protein: __________
2) Choose One Healthy Fat: __________
3) Choose One-Two Vegetables: __________
4) Cook your food in: Coconut Oil or Grass Fed Butter
Now that we have our template, let's take a look at a lower carb meal example...
Low Carb Meal Example:
REMEMBER: This is just an EXAMPLE meal. We provide a ton of different food options in all our Carb Cycling plans so that you can build meals that you enjoy! We also give plenty of done-for-you meal examples as well...
Meal Type: Low Carb Stir Fry
Directions: Put your cooked chicken, broccoli, and onions into a pan and stir fry together with your favorite spices. Coat the pan with Coconut Oil or Grass Fed Butter. Once finished, add avocado on top...
1) Choose One Protein: Chicken
2) Choose One Healthy Fat: Avocado
3) Choose One-Two Vegetables: Broccoli, Onions
4) Cook your food in: Coconut Oil or Grass Fed Butter (add spices as needed)
Once again, this is just a simple example. There are endless combinations with the food list we provide in our Carb Cycling Plans...
Now let's talk about a high carb meal example...
High Carb Template:
For each meal, all you will do is fill in the blanks with the appropriate foods that we provide in our Carb Cycling Plans...
1) Choose One Protein: __________
2) Choose One Healthy Carb: __________
3) Choose One-Two Vegetables: __________
4) Cook your food in: Coconut Oil or Grass Fed Butter
Now that we have our template, let's take a look at a high carb meal example...
High Carb Meal Example:
REMEMBER: This is just an EXAMPLE meal. We provide a ton of different food options in all our Carb Cycling plans so that you can build meals that you enjoy! We also give plenty of done-for-you meal examples as well...
Meal Type: Steak and Potatoes
1) Choose One Protein: Lean 6-8 Ounce Steak
2) Choose One Carb: 1 Medium Potato
3) Choose One-Two Vegetables: Asparagus
4) Cook your food in: Coconut Oil or Grass Fed Butter (add spices as needed)
When it comes to Carb Cycling, it's best to keep it SIMPLE. That said, that doesn't mean your meals need to be boring.
There are endless combinations with the food list we provide in our Carb Cycling Plans... In fact, we provide you with over 50 different food options that will help you reach your goals the fastest while Carb Cycling. Plus...
We show you delicious recipes for those looking to add even more flavor to your meals (like a Guero Bowl, Egg Scramble Muffins, and a fan favorite "Banana Almond Oatmeal!)
With all that variety, you can eat the foods you love most, and finally ENJOY your diet plan while still seeing the results you want.
Like I mentioned earlier, everyone's Carb Cycle is going to look slightly different based on starting point, goals, body type, food preferences, etc. And for that reason, we've put together a short 4-question quiz that's going to show you exactly what Carb Cycle is right for YOU. So...
Click the NEXT PAGE button below and we will show you exactly where to start...