Are You Ready To Kick Up Your Workouts? Now is your time! Join actress Sarah Levy and trainer Kelsey Heenan as you crush your workouts TOGETHER!

Workouts Designed To TONE YOUR BODY & FEEL YOUR BEST In The Next 30-Days!

Workouts Designed To TONE YOUR BODY & FEEL YOUR BEST In The Next 30-Days!

Hey there it's Kelsey from! And...

My guess is that you want to start STRONG in 2024. So I've designed a 30-Day Challenge, focused around getting you leaner, more toned, stronger, and back on track as we start the New Year.

And actress Sarah Levy is committing to this with you, which means we will all be doing this challenge together!

You will be training right alongside both of us - we will sweat together, push hard together, make REAL progress together, and as Sarah says "maybe even curse Kelsey at times" - in a good way 😜

So WE are challenging YOU to join us for the next 30 days as we focus on improving your health, getting in amazing workouts, getting in better shape, and just feeling your best. Sound like a plan?

If "YES", then keep reading...

Let's Do This Together...

It's Time To Start Strong In 2024!

When it comes to kicking off the New Year and getting your best results, one thing I always tell my clients is this:

Have a plan you can stick to and that is proven to work, and make sure you have support and accountability!

Well, how would you like ALL of that as you start 2024? 

For those that don't know, Sarah became a mom in 2022 while still working full time as an actor. So she is very busy to say the least!

I have been training Sarah for a couple of years now, and for the first time ever, you can join in on these training sessions!

And our brand new program, the Start Strong 30-Day Challenge, is the PERFECT way to kick off 2024...

These workouts are designed to be right around 30-minutes, and all you need is a set of dumbbells to crush these workouts with us. 

We wanted to make this program feel like we were all in the same room training together!  

Which means when you are pushing hard and feeling the burn, you will see us doing and feeling the same. 

You will see Sarah speak her mind and give relatable reactions when I tell her what exercise is next or when I push her to get one more rep or when I challenge her to give a little bit more. Here's an example of what I mean...

Most importantly though, we will all put in the work and have tons of fun together over these next 30-days!

Just imagine what it would be like to do your workouts right alongside of us...

You show up and press play - We will help motivate you to keep showing up and stay on track. Plus, you will be getting the support and accountability that you need to really start strong! And....

That is what this 30-Day Challenge is all about...


"How Can I Get My BEST Results In 2024?"

"How Can I Get My Best Results In 2024?"

Let me first just say that the workouts on Start Strong are tons of fun and you’ll never get bored because I programmed lots of different exercises and training protocols throughout.

While you'll never get bored, these workouts were programmed with purpose so that you'll continue to make progress every single week! 

The main focus of the program is around Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Combining these two together is what I call "the cheat code."

Take a second to listen to Sarah talk about her results using this:

As you can see from what Sarah said in the video, using these techniques just works!

MRT combined with HIIT is so powerful for getting fast results, especially when you are crunched for time and want to get the most out of your workouts.

Along with that, I've programmed in several different training methods that will really help take your results to the next level. 

We cycle through... 

  • Super Sets
  • Tri-Sets
  • EMOM's (Sarah's favorite)
  • AMRAP's

And more... to make sure you see progress and have fun along the way...

Even better, these workouts are right around 30-minutes which is plenty of time to get the results you want... 

So if you are ready to join us for the next 30 days as we focus on improving your health, getting in amazing workouts, getting in better shape, and just feeling your best...

We are so excited to invite you to join our brand new Start Strong 30-Day Challenge!

Your Invitation To Join:

Your Invitation To Join:

1. 30-Day Challenge Workout Plan!

These workouts can be done with one set of dumbbells, in about 30-minutes just 3-4 days per week! We will be using a combination of Metabolic Resistance Training and High Intensity Interval Training. 

Plus, we mix in a ton of variety so that you never get bored. You'll cycle through Super-Sets, Tri-Sets, EMOM’s (Sarah’s favorite), AMRAP’s, and more to make sure you see progress and have tons of fun along the way...

And the best part is, no matter what your fitness level, you can accomplish a lot in these workouts and make amazing progress in the next 30-days!

These workouts allow you to get stronger, more toned, and incredibly confident in your skinWITHOUT having to spend hours working out.

You're going to start off the Start Strong 30-Day Challenge with me, Sarah, and thousands of others in workout #1, so get ready to hit the ground running!

Over the course of this 30-Day Challenge, you'll be amazed at the progress you make!

2. Follow Along Workout Videos

Like I said earlier, Sarah and I are doing every single workout with you. That means you show up, press play, and we do it together! 

These follow along videos are real and raw, making it feel like we are in the same room doing these workouts. I coach you through each rep and set, give you coaching cues, provide modifications and variations throughout, and motivate you when you need that little extra push.

Plus, you'll get to see Sarah and I interact throughout the workout which is always fun entertainment!

Most importantly though, get ready to see some amazing progress as you ​go through these workouts. 

With these workouts, you can expect to see amazing results in the next 30-days, AND within 14-days, you'll be feeling stronger than ever!

3. 30-Day Nutrition Plan!

The Challenge Nutrition Plan helps you get amazing results… 

WITHOUT counting a single calorie! How awesome is that?


-No counting calories
-No starving yourself
-No bland, unenjoyable meals


Enjoyable food that you love to eat...

Because amazing, great tasting nutrition is essential to fueling your body and developing lifelong healthy eating habits.

By far, this is our most effective nutrition plan, and it's so dang enjoyable (perfect for kicking off the New Year!)

4. Access To Our Private Challenge Support Group

The Private Support Group is one of the absolute best parts of this community!

Inside the group, you’ll find encouragement and motivation from thousands of individuals just like you, looking to get healthy, burn fat and tone up.

Having a support group makes all the difference to reaching your fitness goals.

Cheer on your friends, and have your friends cheer for you, too!

No matter where you are starting, whether a brand new beginner or advanced, you will have the support you need to be successful!



Results From A Few People Who Have Done Our Previous Challenges...

"I'm down 7 1/4lbs... which is just unbelievable in 4 weeks and I can clearly see the changes in my body shape which I love. Achieving this without starving at the same time was amazing which is usually what makes me give up." -Faye N.

"Overall I love a total of 8 pounds and lots of inches. I'm not sure of the last time I was so proud of myself. I feel strong and healthy and ready to continue my fitness journey." -Krystal M.

"I have lost several inches overall; my abs are more chiseled and defined (still a work in progress) but most importantly; the mental battle is won. I feel amazing, confident and strong... I would definitely say SUCCESS!!!!" -Carol B.


It's time to crush our workouts together - Let's Do This!



Click the "Add To Cart" Button To 
Secure Your Spot For Only $97!

Click the "Add To Cart" Button To 
Secure Your Spot For Only $97!

Register Today For The Start Strong 30-Day Challenge!

  • Start Strong Workout Plan
  • Full Raw & Real Follow Along Videos
  • HIITBURN Nutrition Plan
  • Coaching, Support, & Accountability
  • Private Support Group
  • SPECIAL BONUS: Exclusive Interviews With Sarah

ONLY $97.00 


Give Yourself The Gift Of These Next 30-Days...

Give Yourself The Gift Of These Next 30-Days...

These next 30-days can be life-changing for you!

And right now, as we kick off 2024... Let's crush this challenge TOGETHER!

You'll have everything you need to see your best possible results in the next 30-days. So...

"Take the leap" as they say and get started today!

~Sarah Levy & Kelsey Heenan

ONLY $97.00 



Provided By:

The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on this site is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given on this site are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given on this site are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author. 

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