By: Dennis Heenan, HIITBURN
Adrenaline and the effects it has on fat loss has always fascinated me...
If you remember the movie Crank, lead character Jason Statham is a British hit man who, in order to stay alive, must always keep his adrenaline flowing. In order to do this, he causes mayhem. Remember this for later...
Adrenaline is the "fight or flight" hormone that your body releases into the blood in times of stress. And it can happen at any time...
Imagine you are driving your car on the freeway going 70-miles per hour, you check over your left shoulder and start to change lanes... All of a sudden, some guy in sports car comes zooming past at 105 miles per hour forcing your to quickly swerve back into your lane to avoid being hit...
Your heart is racing, face flushed, palms sweaty... That right there is an example of an adrenaline rush.
Adrenaline is essentially the "survival" hormone that every human being has at their disposal, at any time during the day or night. It's the reason you hear stories of kids picking up cars to save a loved one or how someone escaped a bear attack.
Picture 10,000 years ago, a hunter or gatherer going about their day when all of a sudden they are confronted with a mountain lion...
They have two options: FIGHT or FLIGHT.
Their adrenaline is pumping which in turn results in:
This is so they can survive in this type of situation.
Although we don't have the same dangers today as we did back 10,000 years ago, adrenaline is still more prominent than ever. And recent research has shown that increased adrenaline during your workouts, for short periods of time, can increase fat loss.
In a study done out of Australia, researcher Steve Boutcher states that:
“Intermittent sprinting produces high levels of chemical compounds called catecholamines (adrenaline), which allow more fat to be burned from under the skin and within the exercising muscles. The resulting increase in fat oxidation drives the greater weight loss.”
As a result of this adrenaline increase, participants in the sprinting group lost 3-times as much fat as the group who did not perform sprints.
And that's not all... According to one of the participants, her "diet was pretty bad back then, with lots of sweets, lots of junk food. So just eating the same things, doughnuts and sugar — it was awful.”
Yet still, this participant was able to lose a little over 17 pounds in 15-weeks... WITHOUT changing her diet...
That's impressive. So does this mean that by increasing adrenaline, you can out train a bad diet?
I wouldn't go as far as saying that, because I firmly believe that a solid diet plan is the number one way to get fit.
Yet, I'd be lying to you if I said my diet has been perfect over the last several weeks... It definitely has not been great, however, I've been able to stay lean... And in fact, LOSE fat while on the road traveling.
Not only that, my wife has been able to put on 4-pounds of pure muscle doing the EXACT same workouts as me.
Within our workouts over the last several weeks, we've been limited in what we have at our disposal. So our focus has been on increasing adrenaline in our workouts by doing a few different things...
How To Increase Adrenaline Naturally For Faster Fat Loss Results...
Because we have been limited in our workouts in terms of equipment, much of what we have done has been with pure bodyweight... And here's what I have found works best when trying to increase adrenaline in your workouts:
1. Include Sprint Intervals In Your Workouts
As you saw in the study above, sprint intervals are one of the best ways to increase adrenaline in your workouts. You can do this in a few different ways...
First, you can simply sprint on your off days like we have mainly been doing. Every Tuesday and Thursday, my wife and I do some kind of high intensity sprint workout.
Whether hill sprints, stair sprints, beach sprints, burpee intervals, etc. We have been working in a 20-second on, 10-second off fashion and will go for 10-15 minutes.
If the sprints are outdoors and for distance, we will do seven 50-80 yard sprints with about 90-seconds rest in between.
2. Focus On STRENGTH
The best exercises to increase adrenaline through strength training are big compound movements. And this DOES work with bodyweight only workouts. Try doing lots of pushups, squats, lunges, and variations of those exercises.
The more strength you can add to your training, the faster results you are going to see.
Focus on strength and faster fast loss will follow.
3. Start Jumping
In my experience, box jumps increase adrenaline the most because you REALLY need to focus the entire time... Because let's be honest, you must make sure you jump high enough to make it to the top of the box... Or else those shins of yours won't feel too good afterwards...
Other jumping exercises like squat jumps, jump rope, and even jumping jacks will do the trick too.
4. Keep your workouts UNDER 25-minutes for best results...
Increased adrenaline for a long period of time can be very detrimental. Remember, adrenaline is a stress hormone, and stress can cause fat storage.
Overtraining will cause a big rise in cortisol (the fat storing hormone) and prevent you from seeing the results you want.
Be sure you are giving yourself ample amounts of rest and keeping your workouts intense and under 25-minutes in length.
Your focus is to increase adrenaline for a short period of time, then relax and recover.
So how can YOU alter your workouts and start using adrenaline for faster fat loss?
As was stated earlier, you need to cause a little MAYHEM in your workouts in order to increase your adrenaline... And this is where my HIITBURN Density program comes into play...
These workouts spike your adrenaline through both high intensity strength training and sprints, and gives you a full 6-week layout for how to drop body fat and add lean muscle fast.
The workouts last no-longer than 25-minutes and can be done right at home.
I look forward to hearing about your adrenaline pumping workouts in the near future and hope these workouts can help you escape a chasing mountain lion or bear (if you are ever in that situation...)