The 1,000 Calorie Workout

In yesterday's article, you learned 5 different ways that you can burn 1,000 calories in a workout...

Today, I'd like to share a workout with you that will do just that...

This will take about 30-40 minutes... However, doing workouts like this just a few times a week will make a HUGE difference in the results you see.

In this workout, we'll be doing a few different circuits, specifically designed to help you get the most out the workout...

Circuit #1, we will be super-setting with "non-competing" exercises.

Circuit #2, we will be using density training (getting as much work done in a given period of time).

Circuit #3, we will go back to another super-set, but this time you will get less rest.

Finally, you will be doing some sprints :)

Here's the workout:

Circuit #1:

Perform each exercise back to back with no rest in between. Rest 45-seconds between full rounds and complete 3 total rounds.

1A) Bodyweight Squats: 12 reps
1B) Pushups: 12 reps
1C) Reverse Alternating Lunges: 8 reps each side
1D) Pull-Ups or Bodyweight Rows: 8 reps
Rest 45-seconds between rounds and complete 3 total rounds. Do not rest in between exercises.

Circuit #2:

Do 20 seconds per exercise with 10 second rest (this = 1 round). Do all rounds of each exercise before moving to the next. Rest as needed between exercises...

2A) Bodyweight Rows or Chin Ups – 4 rounds of 20-10
2B) Squat to Squat Jump – 8 rounds of 20-10
2C) Close Grip Pushups – 4 rounds of 20-10
2D) Jump Rope – 8 rounds of 20-10

For circuit #3, I want you to complete 2 more rounds of circuit #1. This time, however, you only get 30-seconds of rest between full rounds (instead of 45-seconds).

I want you to see how much of a difference that 15-seconds makes...

Circuit #3:

Perform each exercise back to back with no rest in between. Rest 30-seconds between full rounds and complete 2 total rounds.

3A) Bodyweight Squats: 12 reps
3B) Pushups: 12 reps
3C) Reverse Alternating Lunges: 8 reps each side
3D) Pull-Ups or Bodyweight: 8 reps
Rest 30-seconds between rounds and complete 2 total rounds. Do not rest between exercises.

Big difference with the shorter rest periods, right? 


Circuit #4:

Complete 6 50-yard sprints, resting as needed in between each sprint.


As you can see, we are packing in a lot in a very short period of time. However...

Depending on how much rest you take, this should only take about 30-40 minutes and you'll burn 1,000+ calories!

Like I said, a few workouts like this a few times per week will go a long way!

And on the NEXT PAGE, you're going to learn about the workouts we use to burn A TON of calories WITHOUT boring cardio. So click the 'NEXT PAGE' button below to see how...

How To Do The Exercises...

Bodyweight Squats


Reverse Alternating Lunges


Bodyweight Rows

Squat To Squat Jump

Close Grip Pushups

Jump Rope