Training Quiz Results – Cardio FIIT Training – $37.00

​"Not only am I seeing results, but I actually look forward to working out now. This is by far the best exercise program I’ve tried!” -Mary Beth

Based On Your Answers To Our Quiz, We Recommend Using...

Based On Your Answers To Our Quiz, We Recommend Using...

The CardioFIIT Training Style This Year To Lose Your Next 20+ Pounds Fast While Tightening Up Your Entire Body And Getting More Defined!

The CardioFIIT Training Style This Year To Lose Your Next 20+ Pounds Fast While Tightening Up Your Entire Body And Getting More Defined!

Jessica And Jamie Used CardioFIIT Training For This Exact Reason!

Jessica And Jamie Used CardioFIIT Training For This Exact Reason!

"I have struggled with my weight my entire life. This program is the first challenge I have ever completed and I am so very proud of myself for doing so. This program has given me so much confidence, not only in the way that I look, but in what I am capable of doing. I am really looking forward to continuing with HIITBURN to continue my progress, because progress not perfection right?"

- ​Jessica

"This Program was AMAZING! I had such great results with this program... This program has helped me become stronger and gain a healthy relationship with food. I got way stronger and leaner and I have way more energy throughout the day. I am excited to complete more Hiitburn programs! Thank you Kelsey Heenan and the Hiitburn Community!"

- Jamie


CardioFIIT Training
(I'll cover exactly what that is below...)

Hey there! Kelsey Heenan here along with my husband Dennis.

Thank you for taking the time to go through our Training Quiz.

Based on your answers to the quiz, we've calculated that in order for you to see your best and fastest possible results, you should start with what we call “CardioFIIT Training”...

Hey there! Kelsey Heenan here along with my husband Dennis.

Thank you for taking the time to go through our Training Quiz.

Based on your answers to the quiz, we've calculated that in order for you to see your best and fastest possible results, you should start with what we call “CardioFIIT Training”...

Now, that does NOT mean “cardio” in the traditional sense (as in running on a treadmill - NO). We have something far more effective for you!

This is because you mentioned that you have more than 20 pounds to lose and you want a workout style that is going to help you take off the weight fast. Plus you want something that is NOT going to take multiple hours a day. 

And out of all our Workout Styles, CardioFIIT Training is the one that will allow you to shed the pounds the fastest while feel amazing doing it.

Listen, you have a super exciting goal and I want you to know that it's very attainable, especially with the type of workout I'm going to share with you on this page!

And even if you've already "tried everything" in the past, I can promise you that you’re going to LOVE this style of training and the results it brings!

In fact, if you're someone who's tried many different workout styles (cardio, spin class, CrossFit, bootcamps, etc.)...What I'm about to show you is going to be so freeing for you!

I am so glad you are on this page, and I am so excited to share this information with you and to get you started on the CardioFIIT Training TODAY!

You didn't just land on this page by mistake. And...

If you are frustrated for any reason about your workouts or the results you are currently seeing... I want you to know...

It is NOT your fault

There is so much contradictory (and confusing) information that is out there, most of it being stuff that simply sounds "sexy" but in the end does not work or leaves you worse off than before...

And that's incredibly frustrating. 

Sometimes, you just need a simple ROADMAP that will help you see fast and lasting results, feel confident in yourself and your body, be healthy and fit, and reach your goals fast. And that's part of the reason I love this style of training so much...

CardioFIIT Training can help you...

  • Lose weight and make it feel effortless.
  • Burn away stubborn belly fat. 
  • Get more toned and fit.
  • Get leaner around the love handles.
  • Feel confident in your body.
  • Look and feel your best ever.
  • Receive endless compliments from family and friends who will wonder "what are you doing to look this good?"

How I Found CardioFIIT Training 
(after years of failing - my personal story)

We all have a story! And my mission is to help you reach YOUR goal no matter where you are starting :)

Listen, I've personally tried everything when it comes to workouts. I struggled for years with finding what actually works. And I know that SO many of you are probably feeling the same way…

That is why it’s my mission to share these workout techniques with as many people as possible - so that YOU can start seeing results today instead of struggling to get results.  

Because the truth is… Once you start doing the right workouts, your results will be instantly noticeable!

For several years, I was so lost when it came to working out

I spent hours and hours a day trying to get in better shape. I would run on the treadmill, do spin classes, go to bootcamps, and more. But to be honest, NOTHING WORKED!

Sure, I'd see some results here and there, but I could never actually “get over the hump”. I constantly felt stuck and plateaued.

And trust me when I say this: I tried EVERYTHING…

It wasn’t until 2014 when I discovered something in the most unlikely of places… The small town of Mijas, Spain.

Dennis and I had just sold all our belongings because we wanted to go travel for a few months in Europe.

The first week of being in Spain… We realized that access to a gym was very hard to come by, and not to mention… The gyms we found were way out of our price range.

At first, I was crazy FRUSTRATED by this. However…

This ended up shaping my workouts - workouts that hundreds of thousands of people from around the world have now used!  

It was the first time that I discovered just how powerful CardioFIIT Training could be, when it was done right. And...

That's why I am so excited to be sharing this with you today. 

Not only did it change my life, it will change yours too!

You haven't failed! Your past workout routines have failed you!

Here’s the exciting news…

You get to start fresh TODAY! It doesn’t matter what you’ve tried in the past because I am going to show you how to get your best results with the right workouts for you!

​I'm SO Excited To Introduce You To The CardioFIIT Workouts!

I'm SO Excited To Introduce You To The CardioFIIT Workouts!

Listen, we are providing you with a solution that we've been crafting and perfecting for over 6 years now and it's one that won't let you down.

We are providing you with the tools and the roadmap that will allow you to lose weight fast and keep it off for good by doing workouts that you can actually sustain! 

So, let's talk about CardioFIIT and how you can get start today:

Your CardioFIIT Plan
(How To Get Started)

One thing that you'll see very early on is how EFFECTIVE this style of training is. Not only that, it’s incredibly easy to get started on!

First though...

WHAT is CardioFIIT and WHY does it work so well?


This style of workout is a very simple concept. It combines the power of High Intensity Interval Training, while including a balanced mix of bodyweight strength exercises and cardio specific exercises. 

Essentially, you are taking the BEST parts of your cardio training to burn fat and lose weight while adding in specific strength exercises so that you can get the toned muscle you want! And…

Although this might sound "too simple" to work, I promise you it's an extremely powerful strategy - and you can do it in as little as 30 minutes 3-5 days per weeks (that’s how powerful it is).

Our CardioFIIT Program has been used by thousands of people all over the world - and it’s an effective and proven process. Now, because your goal is to lose 20 or more pounds, I have the perfect starting point for you:

Your Workout Outline:
30 Seconds On / 10 Seconds Off

In your workouts, you will be focusing on doing two types of intervals: a “30-10” interval and a “20-10” interval. This means, for example, you’ll do 30-seconds of work on an exercise, rest 10-seconds then move to the next exercise. 


Pretty simple, right? It gets better. 


Because of how these workouts are structured and programmed, you will be strategically adding in strength exercises to your workouts so that you will be both burning fat and building toned muscle! 


This is one of the most powerful workout approaches that I have ever come across, especially when you are trying to lose weight, and you can do it in an enjoyable fashion!


It's the reason 10000's of people just like yourself have been able to see amazing results using it...


Let me just tell you what you can expect from CardioFIIT:

Here's What You Should Expect From Your CardioFIIT Interval:

 1) You Will Lose Weight & Get Toned - Now, I don’t want to sit here and make some claim like most companies do. The truth is, everyone is slightly different so making an outlandish promise like “you will lose 20 pounds in 30-days” isn’t something I'm going to do. What I can promise is that you will lose weight, you will burn fat, you will gain confidence, and you will feel amazing on this program! That means you'll feel energized, focused, and determined to keep going because of the results you're seeing. 

That's what I love about our plans... We have people coming back month after month and year after year with new progress updates about how they are still seeing results, all while ENJOYING their workouts!

2) You'll Feel Confident In Yourself and Your Journey - ​Imagine for a moment what it would feel like to KNOW for 100% certain that you will succeed. 

Hold on to that feeling for a moment... Because that's what you're getting when you join the HIITBURN Family and start on your CardioFIIT Program today.

​You're going to have the confidence in yourself that you WILL succeed and the support from us every step of the way!

3) You Will Feel Supported - Myself, Dennis, and our entire HIITBURN Happiness Team is 100% dedicated to getting you the results you want. We answer every email and message we get in a very timely manner, and offer extra support for those who need it. 

Just know, any help you need, any questions you have, we are here! Let us help YOU...

  • check
    Lose weight fast*
  • check
    Tighten and tone your entire body*
  • check
    Feel confident as you become more fit and strong*
  • check
    Increase your metabolism and fat loss*
  • check
    Get real and lasting results*
  • check
    Unlock 24/7 fat burning*

Just take a look at a few of the HIITBURN Transformations:

My only question is, are you next? 

If you want to be (and I think you do), it's time to get started today!

And to make things as easy as possible for you, we've gone ahead and packaged everything below so that you can get started right away on our proven CardioFIIT Training Program - to ensure you get your BEST possible results!



CardioFIIT is a 30 day training program that combines unique exercises in each and every workout.

Each circuit is designed to get you stronger, leaner, more toned, and completely reshape your body to get you in your best shape, ever!

Your At Home CardioFIIT Workouts:

1) WARM UP: Warming up is super important! A well performed warmup primes your muscles to build strength and work up a great burn, maximizing the fitness benefits throughout the entire workout.

2) SWEAT: Throughout these rounds, you’ll focus on unique circuits built using 30 seconds of exertion followed by 10 seconds of rest. As the name implies, these rounds will make you sweat!

3) BURN: The Burn rounds piggyback off the previous rounds, introducing new exercises that really let you “feel the burn”. You’ll quickly begin to see amazing results after these BURN rounds. 

4) COOL DOWN: After intense workouts, like CardioFIIT, it is very important to take steps to place your body and mind back into a normal state. These short but effective cool downs help your body reset, so you can get back into your daily routine.

Each circuit is set up with carefully planned exertion and rest intervals, so that you can get the most out of each workout.

These workouts were designed specifically to address the fitness concerns our readers ask for the most…

 Tighten & Tone Your Midsection

 Sculpt your Arms & Legs

 Get Rid Of Belly & Excess Body Fat

Get ready to feel the burn and experience amazing results!

CardioFIIT is a 30 day training program that combines unique exercises in each and every workout.

Each circuit is designed to get you stronger, leaner, more toned, and completely reshape your body to get you in your best shape, ever!

Your At Home CardioFIIT Workouts:

1) WARM UP: Warming up is super important! A well performed warmup primes your muscles to build strength and work up a great burn, maximizing the fitness benefits throughout the entire workout.

2) SWEAT: Throughout these rounds, you’ll focus on unique circuits built using 30 seconds of exertion followed by 10 seconds of rest. As the name implies, these rounds will make you sweat!

3) BURN: The Burn rounds piggyback off the previous rounds, introducing new exercises that really let you “feel the burn”. You’ll quickly begin to see amazing results after these BURN rounds. 

4) COOL DOWN: After intense workouts, like CardioFIIT, it is very important to take steps to place your body and mind back into a normal state. These short but effective cool downs help your body reset, so you can get back into your daily routine.

Each circuit is set up with carefully planned exertion and rest intervals, so that you can get the most out of each workout.

These workouts were designed specifically to address the fitness concerns our readers ask for the most…

 Tighten & Tone Your Midsection

 Sculpt your Arms & Legs

 Get Rid Of Belly & Excess Body Fat

Get ready to feel the burn and experience amazing results!


We've helped thousands of men and women transform their bodies using our workout programs. And for this program, every workout is in a BRAND NEW follow along fashion! AND...

We are doing something we've never done before - not only will you get follow along workouts, each workout has me coaching you through with tips, modifications, form help, motivation and more!

It will be like having me right there with you at home coaching you through the workout! You just press "PLAY" and do the workouts with me!

With these workouts, you can expect to see your best results in the next 30-days - and within 14-days, you'll be feeling stronger than ever! 


We've helped thousands of men and women transform their bodies using our workout programs. And for this program, every workout is in a BRAND NEW follow along fashion! AND...

We are doing something we've never done before - not only will you get follow along workouts, each workout has me coaching you through with tips, modifications, form help, motivation and more!

It will be like having me right there with you at home coaching you through the workout! You just press "PLAY" and do the workouts with me!

With these workouts, you can expect to see your best results in the next 30-days - and within 14-days, you'll be feeling stronger than ever!



Nutrition will play an important role in helping you get your best results. That being said, here at HIITBURN, we don't believe in counting calories or macros. We don't believe in restricting your favorite foods. And we absolutely don't believe in starving yourself to get results.

Instead, our Nutrition Plan is going to help you get amazing results eating all your favorite foods and never counting a single calorie! How awesome is that?This is by far our most effective nutrition plan, and it's so dang enjoyable!


Nutrition will play an important role in helping you get your best results. That being said, here at HIITBURN, we don't believe in counting calories or macros. We don't believe in restricting your favorite foods. And we absolutely don't believe in starving yourself to get results.

Instead, our Nutrition Plan is going to help you get amazing results eating all your favorite foods and never counting a single calorie! How awesome is that?This is by far our most effective nutrition plan, and it's so dang enjoyable!

BONUS #2: Flat Belly Ab Workouts

Interested in building your Abs further? These are my best 10-Minute Ab Workouts designed to tone your midsection, strengthen your abs, and increase your results! I created these workouts so that you can add them to the end of your current workouts. 

Each ab workout lasts just 10-minutes, and they are designed to not only help build amazing core strength... They are intense so that they will help you burn fat too!

I recommend doing 3 of these workouts per week, at the END of your workout or on an off day. 

BONUS #2: Flat Belly Ab Workouts

Interested in building your Abs further? These are my best 10-Minute Ab Workouts designed to tone your midsection, strengthen your abs, and increase your results! I created these workouts so that you can add them to the end of your current workouts. 

Each ab workout lasts just 10-minutes, and they are designed to not only help build amazing core strength... They are intense so that they will help you burn fat too!

I recommend doing 3 of these workouts per week, at the END of your workout or on an off day. 

BONUS #3: Glute Activation Program

Do you want to grow your glutes? Well, these workouts are unlike any that you've tried before. I designed these to shape your glutes in just 10-minutes after your main workout!

After just a week of these workouts, you'll start FEELING the difference. And by day 14 is when you'll really start SEEING your hard work pay off!

I can't wait for you to experience the power of these workouts!

BONUS #3: Glute Activation Program

Do you want to grow your glutes? Well, these workouts are unlike any that you've tried before. I designed these to shape your glutes in just 10-minutes after your main workout!

After just a week of these workouts, you'll start FEELING the difference. And by day 14 is when you'll really start SEEING your hard work pay off!

I can't wait for you to experience the power of these workouts!

BONUS #4: Double Your Push Up Program

I've found that so many women want to see their push up strength increase. Dominating your pushups brings you loads of confidence! And no matter where you are right now... whether you can do zero pushups or you can do 50-pushups, this plan is a go-to and something I recommend everyone use!

Personally, pushups are now one of my best exercises - I've done more than 50 in a row, can do clapping pushups, and have come to absolutely love this exercise!

If you're interested in increasing the amount of push ups you can do while building some extra muscle in your chest, then I want to show YOU how!

Plus, We Have A Special Deal For You!

You have already shown us that you are an action taker by going all the way through our Training Quiz, which proves to us that you are ready to reach your ideal body once and for all…

So I want to do something special for you on this page today.

I want to give you the full Cardio FIIT Training Program plus the bonuses at a HUGE discount.

On this page today, because we want this to be the year that you reach your goals, we are giving you instant access to the Cardio FIIT Training Program and all your bonuses for just a one-time payment of $37.00 (that's $60.00 OFF the regular price).




Listen, we are so confident that our CardioFIIT Training Program is going to bring you amazing results that we want to give you our 30-day money in guarantee. That means, if for any reason at all you feel like CardioFIIT is not right for you, all you have to do is answer a few questions and we will get your programs swapped out so you can continue to crush your fitness goal.


Listen, we are so confident that our CardioFIIT Training Program is going to bring you amazing results that we want to give you our 30-day money in guarantee. That means, if for any reason at all you feel like CardioFIIT is not right for you, all you have to do is answer a few questions and we will get your programs swapped out so you can continue to crush your fitness goal.

 Get The CardioFIIT Training Program Today To Lose Fat Quickly While Getting Super Fit! 






  • CardioFIIT Training Plan
  • Follow Along Workout Videos
  • BONUS #1: CardioFIIT Nutrition Plan
  • BONUS #2: Flat Belly Ab Workouts
  • BONUS #3: Glute Activation Program
  • BONUS #4: Push Up Program
  • CardioFIIT Interval Training Plan
  • Follow Along Workout Videos
  • BONUS #1: CardioFIIT Nutrition Plan
  • BONUS #2: Flat Belly Ab Workouts
  • BONUS #3: Glute Activation Program
  • BONUS #4: Push Up Program

$97 $37.00

YOU SAVE: $60.00 (60% off)





Women Train At Home And Transform Their Bodies All The Time

We are in this TOGETHER...

We are in this TOGETHER...

TOGETHER: I keep saying that word because I truly believe that right now especially, is a time when support, accountability, and fun are so dang important. 

So even though we are some crazy times, let's have some fun while we are stuck at home. 

Still have Questions? Let me answer your questions below: 

When does the program start?

What equipment do I need?

Who is this program for?

How long are the workouts?

How many days a week is this program?

Will the CardioFIIT nutrition plan help me lose weight? 

Can I do the bonus programs at the same time as the main CardioFIIT program?

How much does it cost?

Ready to get started? 

Just ONE payment of $97 $37.00 will get you everything you need for your transformation!

We practice what we preach here at HIITBURN and we have helped hundreds of thousands of people to lose weight, get lean, and just feel amazing. I want to help you get the fastest possible results. I want you to get results and KEEP them for life. That's why this is different… The results of your hard work will LAST.


CardioFIIT Training Program


ONLY $47$37.00 



It's my goal to get YOU your best results ever.
So let's do that together!

Let me help YOU...



ONLY $37.00


Need To Get In Touch?
Email: [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: This site provides general information for you to discuss with your physician. This site does not provide any professional advice or services. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained here are not a substitute for consulting with your physician, and should only be used as part of planning your development of an overall health and fitness plan with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision.  Our Terms of Service limit our liability to you, and you are required to read and agree to them before using our site.

The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on this site is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given on this site are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given on this site are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.

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