Based On Your Answers To Our Quiz, We Recommend Starting On...
Based On Your Answers To Our Quiz, We Recommend Starting On...
The Lean Carb Cycle To Lose Your Next 10-20 Pounds Fast And Burn Fat Around Your Belly & Love Handles - WITHOUT Counting Calories Or Giving Up Your Favorite Foods!
The Lean Carb Cycle To Lose Your Next 10-20 Pounds Fast And Burn Fat Around Your Belly & Love Handles - WITHOUT Counting Calories Or Giving Up Your Favorite Foods!
People Lose Weight Fast With The Lean Carb Cycle All The Time
People Lose Weight Fast With The Lean Carb Cycle All The Time
"I’ve been intermittent fasting and doing the carb cycling. I’ve also been going to the gym 5 days a week and I don’t plan to stop! I already lost a total of 8 pounds and 2.5 inches off my waist!! Also have you seen my back muscles?! Definitely the best part! I’m in the best shape of my life and I don’t plan to quit anytime soon!"
- Nadia
"Going into this year I was terrified, how was I going to lose my holiday weight without counting everything? Carb cycling ended up being such an easy way to eat healthy while still getting in some treats that I love and no counting! I joined this program to flatten my belly, but got so much more."
- Karen
(I'll cover exactly what that is below...)
Hey there! Kelsey Heenan here along with my husband Dennis.
Thank you for taking the time to go through our Carb Cycling Quiz.
Based on your answers to the quiz, we've calculated that in order for you to see your best and fastest possible results, you should start with our Lean Cycle...
Hey there! Kelsey Heenan here along with my husband Dennis.
Thank you for taking the time to go through our Carb Cycling Quiz.
Based on your answers to the quiz, we've calculated that in order for you to see your best and fastest possible results, you should start with our Lean Cycle...
Because you mentioned that you have 10-20 pounds to lose, you want a carb cycle that is going to help you take off the weight fast, AND you want something that is NOT overly strict and you want something that will let you see LASTING results.
And out of all our Carb Cycling Plans, the Lean Cycle is the one that will allow you to shed the pounds the fastest, you'll feel amazing doing it, and you'll KEEP those results!
Listen, you have a super exciting goal and I want you to know that it's very attainable, especially with Carb Cycling! Even if you've already "tried everything" in the past...
In fact, if you're someone who's tried many different diets (Keto, Low Carb, Counting Macros and Calories, etc.)... What I'm about to show you is going to be so freeing for you!
I am so glad you are on this page, and I am so excited to share this information with you and to get you started on Carb Cycling TODAY!
You didn't just land on this page by mistake. And...
If you are frustrated for any reason about diet, nutrition, or the results you are currently seeing... I want you to know...
It is NOT your fault.
There is so much contradictory (and confusing) information that is out there, most of it being stuff that simply sounds "sexy" but in the end does not work or leaves you worse off than before...
And that's incredibly frustrating.
Sometimes, you just need a simple ROADMAP that will help you see fast and lasting results, feel confident in yourself and your body, be healthy and fit, and reach your goals fast. And that's part of the reason I love carb cycling so much...
Carb Cycling can help you...
How I Found Carb Cycling
(after years of failing - my personal story)
It's time you start ENJOYING your diet!
Listen, I've personally been in your shoes. Here's a little bit of my personal story and my struggles with dieting and why it's now my mission to help change this industry...
For several years, my every waking moment was consumed by dieting and nutrition...
I would jump from one diet to the next, but nothing worked. Sure, I'd see some results here and there, only to find myself quitting a few weeks later because it was too strict or too time consuming or simply zapped all my energy from lack of food.
Frustrated and hopeless, I felt like I was moving backwards... Instead of moving closer to my goals, I was getting further away from them...
It seemed like everything I tried would promise all these crazy fast results but would only lead to more frustration...
And trust me, I tried EVERYTHING...
To name just a few of the MANY diets that I have personally tried:
Keto, counting calories and macros, weighing and measuring my food, counting "points", eating low carb, low calorie, low fat, among many others.
Maybe you feel like you've done the same.
I get how frustrating it is.
And after years of struggle, I was broken mentally...
Each new diet I tried would bring these constant thoughts:
"I'm not good enough..."
I had "failed" so many times that I thought I'd never reach my goals or be happy with my body.
I was so tired of having this mental battle against food... I was so tired of all the negative thoughts I had about myself... I was so tired of being ruled by food...
And even though I was doing everything these diets were telling me to do...
I still felt like a failure.
Luckily, there's a happy ending to this story, and there will be for you too once you realize something that is extremely important:
The Truth Is, I Wasn't Failing... The DIETS Were Failing Me!
And they are failing you too.
Depending on what diets you've tried in the past, this can be for a few reasons.
And after several years of research, testing different diets, getting certified in nutrition, and now having the privilege of working with 10000's of clients from all over the world, here's a few of the main reasons most diets fail you:
If You Have Ever Experienced This:
It's NOT your fault, and you are NOT alone.
And That's Why I'm SO Excited To Introduce You To The Lean Carb Cycle For Rapid Fat Loss!
And That's Why I'm SO Excited To Introduce You To The Lean Carb Cycle For Rapid Fat Loss!
Listen, we are providing you with a solution that we've been crafting and perfecting for over 7 years now and it's one that won't let you down.
We are providing you with the tools and the roadmap that will allow you to lose weight fast and keep it off for good.
And what's different about our plans than anything you may have tried in the past is that you will be able to see FAST and LASTING results. And you'll do this through a flexible, healthy approach that will bring you loads of confidence and freedom.
So, let's talk about the Lean Carb Cycle and how you can get start today:
Your Lean Carb Cycle
(How To Get Started)
One thing that you'll see very early on is how EASY carb cycling is to follow. And whether this is your first time ever dieting or you've tried lots of other diets in the past, you'll be able to understand it immediately once you get started...
First though...
WHAT is Carb Cycling and WHY does it work so well?
Carb Cycling is a very simple concept. It's when you rotate between days of eating lower amounts of carbs and days of eating higher amounts of carbs. That's the very basic overview. And...
Although this may look "too simple" to work, I promise you it's an extremely powerful strategy for fast and lasting results - and you do it WITHOUT counting calories or macros, WITHOUT restricting your favorite foods, and WITHOUT starving yourself...
So let me tell you WHY Carb Cycling works so well...
What Carb Cycling does is OPTIMIZE your body into burning fat first. You see...
Your body burns energy from two main sources: Carbs and Fats
When your body is "depleted" (or has no more carbs to burn), it will start using fat for fuel.
However, this is where SO many people go wrong. Because if you're saying...
"Well then, I'm just going to cut out carbs all together..." - Do NOT do this and here's why:
When you cut out carbs for too long, your metabolism starts slowing down and you STOP burning fat. In fact, this is where many people start gaining and storing MORE fat because of this... Plus, let's be honest... If you've ever tried cutting out carbs completely, it's simply miserable.
And this is where Carb Cycling comes in to fix this so that you can burn MORE fat while eating MORE of your favorite carbs!
By focusing certain days of the week eating lower amounts of carbs, and other days eating higher amounts of carb like rice, potatoes and even breads, you will be able to burn away fat and lose weight. And, it will be enjoyable!
Without getting to "sciencey" on you, basically what happens is on your low carb days you will be burning fat for fuel and then on your high carb days, you will give your metabolism a huge boost because of the carbs you eat which will allow you to burn even more fat and lose more weight moving forward.
It's a very effective and proven process, and it's the reason it's the go-to approach for many celebrities and fitness pro's. Now, because your goal is to lose 10-20 pounds, I have the perfect carb cycle for you to start with:
Your Carb Cycle Schedule:
The 2-1 Lean Cycle
This means that I recommend eating complex carbs every three days. So for the first 2-days you will focus on eating lots of protein, veggies, and healthy fats and then on the following day you will add in all your favorite high carb foods (like rice, potatoes, oats, etc).
Pretty simple, right? It gets better. With how we teach Carb Cycling, you do it WITHOUT counting calories or macros, WITHOUT measuring your food, and WITHOUT starving yourself.
Carb Cycling is the most powerful nutrition approach that I have ever come across, especially when you are trying to lose weight, and you can do it in an enjoyable fashion!
It's the reason 10000's of people just like yourself have been able to see amazing results using it...
Let me just tell you what you can expect from the Lean Carb Cycle:
Here's What You Should Expect From
Your Lean Carb Cycle:
1) You Will Lose Unwanted Fat And Shed Pounds - Now, I could sit here like most companies out there and make up something like "you'll lose 10-20 pounds in the next 21-days". But the truth is, everyone is different. That being said... You can expect to see amazing results - that means FAST results and LASTING results. Plus, you'll feel great doing it. That means you'll feel energized, focused, and determined to keep going because of the results you're seeing.
That's what I love about our plans... We have people coming back month after month and year after year with new progress updates about how they are still seeing results, all while eating more of their favorite foods than ever before!
2) You'll Feel Confident In Yourself and Your Journey - Imagine for a moment what it would feel like to KNOW for 100% certain that you will succeed.
Hold on to that feeling for a moment... Because that's what you're getting when you join the HIITBURN Family and start on your Lean Carb Cycle today.
You're going to have the confidence in yourself that you WILL succeed and the support from us every step of the way!
3) You Will Feel Supported - Myself, Dennis, and our entire HIITBURN Happiness Team is 100% dedicated to getting you the results you want. We answer every email and message we get in a very timely manner, and offer extra support for those who need it.
Just know, any help you need, any questions you have, we are here! Let us help YOU...
Because you went through our short quiz, and I know what your goals are... I want to make 100% sure I give you everything you need to get the results you want.
Carb Cycling by itself is super effective... That said, it's even better when you pair it with the right workouts.
And over the past several years, we've helped tens of thousands of people with our workout programs...
The go-to pairing for your carb cycle is going to be High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT for short). This combo is seriously amazing when trying to get fast results.
And because of your goal, I am going to recommend starting on what I call my "Power Burn" Workouts.
These workouts were designed to be short (right around 30-minutes), but they are super effective. In fact, many of our clients have said they burn more calories in these 30-minutes than they did in their previous workouts which were 60+ minutes.
The reason this happens is because of how the workouts are programmed. Even better...
Pairing your Lean Cycle & Power Burn together, you will have an amazing 1-2 punch to reach your goals even faster!
We love our HIITBURN Transformations!
My only question is, are you next?
If you want to be (and I think you do), it's time to get started today!
And to make things as easy as possible for you, we've gone ahead and packaged everything below so that you can get started right away on our proven 2-1 Lean Carb Cycle - to ensure you get your BEST possible results!
And so much more...
And so much more...
First, is the Fast Start Guide, where we walk you through the entire program in less than 10-minutes. This is for those of you who are extremely busy or those who just want to get started immediately. The Fast Start Guide has taken everything that you need to know from the main manual, and put it into a compact, easy-to-understand format that will allow you to start TODAY. It includes everything from meals examples, carb cycling tips, and more.
(11 Page eBook - $15 Value)
First, is the Fast Start Guide, where we walk you through the entire program in less than 10-minutes. This is for those of you who are extremely busy or those who just want to get started immediately. The Fast Start Guide has taken everything that you need to know from the main manual, and put it into a compact, easy-to-understand format that will allow you to start TODAY. It includes everything from meals examples, carb cycling tips, and more.
Next, we are including the Meal Plan Examples. As you go through the program, you will be able to see all kinds of amazing meal examples, what foods to focus on, the best proteins, carbs, and fats for you goals and so much more. You will also find our amazing "meal builder" which tens of thousands of people have used to see their best results.
(8 Page PDF - $15 Value)
Next, we are including the Meal Plan Examples. As you go through the program, you will be able to see all kinds of amazing meal examples, what foods to focus on, the best proteins, carbs, and fats for you goals and so much more. You will also find our amazing "meal builder" which tens of thousands of people have used to see their best results.
Now, we understand that shopping for healthy foods can be a little confusing and intimidating. It was for that reason that we created this no-fluff shopping list that will keep on the right path when purchasing the best fat burning foods. This report can be easily printed off and kept with you as you shop each week. And, what you will quickly notice is how simple shopping for healthy foods can be.
(6 Page eBook - $15 Value)
Now, we understand that shopping for healthy foods can be a little confusing and intimidating. It was for that reason that we created this no-fluff shopping list that will keep on the right path when purchasing the best fat burning foods. This report can be easily printed off and kept with you as you shop each week. And, what you will quickly notice is how simple shopping for healthy foods can be.
Intermittent Fasting has been described as a "secret weapon" when it comes to fat loss. That said, we teach a very gentle and flexible approach, that makes it so easy and still very effective. In this guide, you will see exactly how you can include Intermittent Fasting with your Carb Cycling plan to accelerate your results even more!
Intermittent Fasting has been described as a "secret weapon" when it comes to fat loss. That said, we teach a very gentle and flexible approach, that makes it so easy and still very effective. In this guide, you will see exactly how you can include Intermittent Fasting with your Carb Cycling plan to accelerate your results even more!
Like we mentioned earlier, we’ve creating some amazing recipes for Carb Cycling so that it doesn’t even feel like you are on a diet. And we wanted to give you 25 of our best Carb Cycling recipes that were designed with simplicity in mind. All the recipes you will find are incredibly easy to make and take just minutes to prepare. You will find recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... As well as smoothies, appetizers, and snacks.
And Of Course, The POWER BURN Workouts!
Like I mentioned, I wanted to make sure I included absolutely EVERYTHING for you to see your best results. And with your Carb Cycle, it's important to have the right workouts to follow to ensure your success.
And this is where POWER BURN comes in!
These workouts are right around 30-minutes, and will be hitting your core, cardio, legs, upper body, and more with the right amount of VOLUME to speed up results.
Every single workout on Power Burn is follow along, and each exercise comes with a modification making this great for all fitness levels.
The combo of the Lean Cycle & Power Burn is something you don't want to pass up!
Plus, We Have A Special Deal For You!
You have already shown us that you are an action taker by going all the way through our Carb Cycling Quiz, which proves to us that you are ready to start losing weight and getting lean once and for all…
So I want to do something special for you on this page today.
I want to give you the full Lean Carb Cycle plus the Power Burn Workouts at a HUGE discount.
Because Dennis and I are so confident that our Lean Cycle System with the added Power Burn Workouts will work for you, we decided to price the next few copies at a very low price. However, we will only be able to release a limited number at this low price before we get too overwhelmed with emails... Which, at that point, we will HAVE TO RAISE THE PRICE.
So make sure you take advantage and get your special release price while it's still available:
On this page today, you are going to get instant access to the Lean Cycle with our very effective Power Burn Workouts for just a one-time payment of $37 (that's $40 OFF the regular price).
Listen, we are so confident that our Lean Carb Cycle is going to bring you amazing results that we want to give you our 30-day money in guarantee. That means, if for any reason at all you feel like the Lean Carb Cycle is not right for you, all you have to do is answer a few questions and we will get your programs swapped out so you can continue to crush your fitness goals.
Listen, we are so confident that our Lean Carb Cycle is going to bring you amazing results that we want to give you our 30-day money in guarantee. That means, if for any reason at all you feel like the Lean Carb Cycle is not right for you, all you have to do is answer a few questions and we will get your programs swapped out so you can continue to crush your fitness goals.
Get The Lean Carb Cycle Program And See Better Fat Loss Results While Eating More Carbs
People LOVE The Lean Carb Cycle!
$77 $37
YOU SAVE: $40 (68% off)
People Love The Lean Carb Cycle!
Still On The Fence?
Let Me Tell You Why The Lean Carb Cycling Plan Is Different Than Anything You've Ever Tried:
1) There is NO counting calories and NO weighing your food, ever.
You've probably been told that you need to count calories and weigh your food to get results. WRONG. In fact...
I'd argue that these kinds of strategies do more harm than good, especially mentally. Counting calories and macros brings on an unneeded stress and anxiety around food.
Not to mention, most plans out there make you feel hungry all the time because they don't give you enough food, and they force you to constantly think about food (because you need to count EVERYTHING you eat)...
Luckily, with the Lean Carb Cycle, you're going to learn how to eat for YOUR body and goals WITHOUT having to stress about counting calories or macros.
This is so freeing and will take away the stresses and anxieties you may have towards food.
2) You are NOT restricted from eating the foods you love to eat.
When we first tell people this, the first question we usually get asked is... "Does that mean I can eat my favorite foods like pizza too?"
YES, you can. We will show you how to incorporate your favorite foods every single week and still see amazing results (we call these "Flex Meals" and they are built right into your plan for you)
3) You are shown the best foods to eat for YOUR body, and when to eat them so that you can achieve your goals fast, and keep those results.
Everyone is different and responds differently to certain foods. That's why we include an extensive list of the best fat burning foods that are designed to bring YOU your fastest results.
4) You get the "roadmap" on exactly how to eat for your body, and the support to get your best results ever...
I'll tell you this right now:
Once you join the HIITBURN Family, your "IN". We won't let you fail. We have the best support team in the world, and they are called the HIITBURN Happiness Team. We'll be here for you every step of the way!
Meet Your Coaches!
It's our goal to get YOU your best results ever.
So let's do that together! Let us help YOU...
Meet Your Coaches!
It's our goal to get YOU your best results ever.
So let's do that together! Let us help YOU...
The Lean Cycle - Get Started Now!
The Lean Cycle
with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee!
one-time payment
The Lean Cycle - Get Started Now!
The Lean Cycle
with 30-day satisfaction guarantee!
one-time payment
*Please Note: You get instant online access to the Lean Cycle which means you can start today!
†Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Product results may vary from person to person.
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Email: [email protected]
DISCLAIMER: This site provides general information for you to discuss with your physician. This site does not provide any professional advice or services. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained here are not a substitute for consulting with your physician, and should only be used as part of planning your development of an overall health and fitness plan with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Our Terms of Service limit our liability to you, and you are required to read and agree to them before using our site.
The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on this site is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given on this site are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given on this site are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.
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