Are You Ready To Get Strong, Defined, & More Toned?

Sculpt Your Arms, Tone Your Legs, & Define Your Abs With My STRONG45 System - All You Need Is A Set Of Dumbbells!  

Are You Ready To Get Strong, Defined, & More Toned?

Sculpt Your Arms, Tone Your Legs, & Define Your Abs With My STRONG45 System - All You Need Is A Set Of Dumbbells!  

You'll Not Only LOOK Your Best, You'll FEEL Your Best...

Hey there, it’s Kelsey from!

And I am challenging YOU to join me in my STRONG45 2.0 Program! If you’ve ever wondered how elite stars and athletes train to get so lean and toned… I’m about to show you how!

My brand new STRONG45 2.0 Program is designed specifically to help you reshape your body - so whether you have weight to lose or you just want to get more toned - we are going to do that together in the next 45-days!

STRONG45 has one goal - to help you look & feel your best in just 45-days! Let me show you how…

If Your Goal Is To Get Lean, Toned, More Confident, and STRONG…




If Your Goal Is To Get Lean, Toned, More Confident, & STRONG...






STRONG45 Gives You Everything You Need To Tone & Sculpt Your Best Body - All In Under 30-Minutes With Just ONE Set Of Dumbbells!

What would it be like to feel lighter, but be stronger with toned arms, defined legs, and abs like an athlete?

Like so many women, I struggled for a really long time with my workouts - my goal was always to look like those women you see in superhero movies and on TV playing sports…

I wanted to be strong, lean, toned, and confident in my body! Yet…

For many years, I was doing the WRONG workouts and my results did NOT reflect the goals I was after...

Month after month, I was stuck in the same exact place - frustrated by lack of results. 

The Problem: I thought that if I just did loads of cardio and lifted light weights for 20-30 reps, I would magically transform my body.

That was my problem though… These types of workouts don't allow you to RESHAPE your body. If you want to have more defined arms, back, butt, legs, and abs... Long cardio and dozens of reps with light weight won't get you there. 

Working out only to get “smaller” actually leads you to become weaker, which in turn actually SLOWS your metabolism and keeps you at a consistent plateau... Which no one wants!

Of course, I would love to have you join me for STRONG45 - and if there is one thing I want you to take from this page it’s this: 

Like so many women, I struggled for a really long time with my workouts - my goal was always to look like those women you see in superhero movies and on TV playing sports…

I wanted to be strong, lean, toned, and confident in my body! Yet…

For many years, I was doing the WRONG workouts and my results did NOT reflect the goals I was after...

Month after month, I was stuck in the same exact place - frustrated by lack of results. 

The Problem: I thought that if I just did loads of cardio and lifted light weights for 20-30 reps, I would magically transform my body.

That was my problem though… These types of workouts don't allow you to RESHAPE your body. If you want to have more defined arms, back, butt, legs, and abs... Long cardio and dozens of reps with light weight won't get you there. 

Working out only to get “smaller” actually leads you to become weaker, which in turn actually SLOWS your metabolism and keeps you at a consistent plateau... Which no one wants!

Of course, I would love to have you join me for STRONG45 - and if there is one thing I want you to take from this page it’s this: 

STOP trying to get "smaller" and START getting STRONGER!

This simple switch in your workouts (and mindset) will unlock and unleash a body transformation that will blow you away - not to mention your family, friends, and co-workers will take notice too!

I’ll never forget when my 5-year old nephew saw me working out and said “WOW Kels, you’re so strong!”

This came after only about 30-days using the methods we use on STRONG45.

And let me tell you, that compliment meant so much to me!

By following the methods on STRONG45, you’re going to be getting those compliments left and right!

Today, I am so thankful because thousands of people follow my workouts. And we have one of the fastest growing body transformation communities in the world.

And everyday, I get asked by people...

"What should I do to get more toned arms? How do I get my legs to have that strong, yet defined look? How can I see my abs faster?"

"What should I do to get more toned arms? How do I get my legs to have that strong, yet defined look? How can I see my abs faster?"

Let’s talk about that…

STRONG45 combines the two incredibly powerful training techniques that are designed to get your stronger, leaner, more toned, and completely reshape your body to give you that “athletic physique”.

MRT - The first technique we use is Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT), and this has been the biggest factors in helping me and my clients get our fastest results.

It’s interesting, not a lot of people know about MRT and very few people use it properly! In STRONG45, you’re going to see just how quickly this simple training technique brings results...

And when you combine it with HIIT - the second training technique we use - get ready to transform your body faster than ever!

With these workouts, we’ve designed them specifically for what all our readers ask for the most…

  • Tighten & Tone Your Midsection
  • Sculpt Your Arms & Legs
  • Get Rid Of Belly & Excess Body Fat


STRONG45 combines the two incredibly powerful training techniques that are designed to get your stronger, leaner, more toned, and completely reshape your body to give you that “athletic physique”.

MRT - The first technique we use is Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT), and this has been the biggest factors in helping me and my clients get our fastest results.

It’s interesting, not a lot of people know about MRT and very few people use it properly! In STRONG45, you’re going to see just how quickly this simple training technique brings results...

And when you combine it with HIIT - the second training technique we use - get ready to transform your body faster than ever!

With these workouts, we’ve designed them specifically for what all our readers ask for the most…

  • Tighten & Tone Your Midsection
  • Sculpt Your Arms & Legs
  • Get Rid Of Belly & Excess Body Fat

My guess is you’d like to achieve all that, but the question remains…

How do you do that without spending hours in the gym? With STRONG45, that’s how!

The best part about STRONG45?

You do NOT need to spend hours in the gym to get amazing results…

In fact, all you need is about 30-minutes to complete these workouts and you can do it with just one set of dumbbells!

All I gotta say - is get ready to transform your body faster than ever! 

When You Join STRONG45, You'll Get...

When You Join STRONG45, You'll Get...

1. My Absolute Best Workouts To Date For Getting In Your Best Shape, Fast!

1. My Absolute Best Workouts To Date For Getting In Your Best Shape, Fast!

These workouts combine Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to allow you to get stronger, more toned, and incredibly confident in your skin without having to spend hours in the gym.

You're going to start off STRONG with me in phase 1 as we hit the ground running in workout #1. As we progress in STRONG45, you'll get stronger, leaner, and more toned!

I can't wait for you to experience the power of STRONG45!

2. Easy To Follow Workouts

2. Easy To Follow Workouts 

You get an eBook manual with all of the workouts as well as video exercise demonstrations and Follow Along HIIT Finishers! 

With these workouts, you can expect to see your best results in the next 45-days - and within 14-days, you’ll be feeling stronger than you ever have!

3. STRONG45 Nutrition Plan

3. STRONG45 Nutrition Plan

Nutrition will play an important role in helping you get your best results. That being said, here at HIITBURN, we don't believe in counting macros. We don't believe in restricting your favorite foods. And we absolutely don't believe in starving yourself to get results.

Instead, our STRONG45 Nutrition Plan is going to help you get amazing results eating all your favorite foods and never counting a single calorie! How awesome is that?

This is by far our most effective nutrition plan to date, and it's so dang enjoyable!

Get The STRONG45 System Now!

ONLY $37 

Get STRONG45 Now!

ONLY $37 

Let me ask you a tough question...
How long have you been telling yourself you'll get in shape "next year", "next month" or even "tomorrow?"

Let me ask you a tough question...
How long have you been telling yourself you'll get in shape "next year", "next month" or even "tomorrow?"

Now is your time. It’s time to start doing the RIGHT and PROVEN workouts that are actually going to transform your body and goals!

Just ONE payment of $37 will get you everything you need for your total transformation in just 45-days!

The BEST Way to Lose Fat Fast

We practice what we preach here at HIITBURN and we have helped hundreds of thousands of people to lose weight quickly and safely. I want to help you get the fastest possible results with the least amount of effort. I want you to get results and KEEP them for life. This is why this is different… The results of your hard work will LAST.

ONLY $37 



It's my goal to get YOU your best results ever.
So let's do that together!

Let me help YOU...

ONLY $37 



Listen, we are so confident that our Strong45 Training Plan is going to bring you amazing results that we want to give you our 30-day money in guarantee. That means, if for any reason at all you feel like Strong45 is not right for you, all you have to do is answer a few questions and we will get your programs swapped out so you can continue to crush your fitness goal.

Provided By:

The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on this site is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given on this site are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given on this site are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author. 

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