​Are You Ready To Get Strong, Defined, & More Toned Right From Home?

Join Me For My 30-Day Power BURN Program - All You Need Is One Set Of Dumbbells! 

Are You Ready To Get Strong, Defined, & More Toned Right From Home?

Join Me For My 30-Day Power BURN Challenge - All You Need Is One Set Of Dumbbells!

You'll Not Only LOOK Your Best, You'll FEEL Your Best - And You'll Do It With A Community Around You To Support and Give You The Accountability You Need!

Our Members Crush Their Goals In Just 30-Days!

"I did it!!!! Thank you for cranking out more awesome programming Kelsey Heenan!!!! This has been the best thing that happened to me and has absolutely changed my outlook and daily routine for the better." - Rachel

Just look at what Michelle was able to accomplish in her first 30-days! "The pictures say another story.
Looking forward to the next challenge!" 


Hey there, it’s Kelsey from HIITBURN.com!

This newly released 30-Day Power Burn Program is directly inspired by my readers and followers, who wanted a results-driven program that focused on toning, sculpting AND had the added benefit of increasing strength!

We originally released Power Burn in summer of 2021, and almost immediately received positive feedback from our live challengers.

In fact, the feedback was so overwhelming that we decided to make Power Burn available ongoing...

Cuz, let's be honest: There is no better way to get motivated and see results than with a member-tested, proven workout program!

And that's why I am inviting YOU to join the newly released 30-Day Power Burn program!

My brand new Power Burn program is designed specifically to help you reshape your body - so whether you have weight to lose or you just want to get more toned - YOU CAN get those results in the next 30-days!



POWER BURN Gives You Everything You Need To Tone & Sculpt Your Best Body - All In Under 30-Minutes With Just One Set Of Dumbbells!

Let's Do This TOGETHER!

Poor motivation, inconsistency, uncertainty - These are all valid reasons why far too many people become frustrated and end up falling short of their goal to improve their health and fitness.

You most likely know people who share the same fitness-related struggles.

In fact, there's a high chance YOU know what it's like first-hand...

... AND you're not alone!

Just take a look at a sampling of 500+ responses from a recent Instagram poll about the biggest struggles for working out:

As that popular meme says...

"The struggle is REAL!"

We listened, and delivered!

The 30-Day Power Burn program is way more than just another workout...

Power Burn is MOTIVATING. It provides CONSISTENCY. And it ELIMINATES ANY GUESSWORK, giving you a crystal clear path towards your fitness goals!

So, I gotta ask - Are you ready for some exciting, results-driven workouts?!

Poor motivation, inconsistency, uncertainty - These are all valid reasons why far too many people become frustrated and end up falling short of their goal to improve their health and fitness.

You most likely know people who share the same fitness-related struggles.

In fact, there's a high chance YOU know what it's like first-hand...

... AND you're not alone!

Just take a look at a sampling of 500+ responses from a recent Instagram poll about the biggest struggles for working out:

As that popular meme says...

"The struggle is REAL!"

We listened, and delivered!

The 30-Day Power Burn Program is way more than just another workout challenge...

It is MOTIVATING. It provides CONSISTENCY. And it ELIMINATES ANY GUESSWORK, giving you a crystal clear path towards your fitness goals!

So, I gotta ask - Are you ready for some exciting, results-driven workouts?!

"What would it be like to feel lighter, but be stronger with toned arms, defined legs, and abs like an athlete?"

"What would it be like to feel lighter, but be stronger with toned arms, defined legs, and abs like an athlete?"

Let’s talk about the plan...

Power Burn was very strategically designed to help you hit every single body part with more VOLUME! Each workout focuses on key elements to really help you progress and get your best results...

These are incredibly powerful workouts designed to get you stronger, leaner, more toned, and completely reshape your body to give you that “athletic physique”.


1) WARM UP & COOL DOWN: this will help you warm up to prime your muscles for the workout, then our cool down will be the perfect way to close out your workout!

2) PERFECT INTERVALS:  you will focus on different interval styles throughout the workout so that you can get the most out of every set. I've designed these so you can make amazing progress in each workout!

3) UPPER & LOWER BODY:  you'll be hitting your upper and lower body strategically during these workouts, so that you can get stronger, leaner, and more toned! 

4) CORE & CARDIO:  Oh yea! We will be getting in some amazing core & cardio work, too. This part of the workout is going to be FIRE!

And the best part is, these workouts are right around 30-minutes - that means you can crush your workout and move on with your day!

With these workouts, we’ve designed them specifically for what all our readers ask for the most…

  • Tighten & Tone Your Midsection
  • Sculpt Your Arms & Legs
  • Get Rid Of Belly & Excess Body Fat


Let’s talk about the plan...

Power Burn was very strategically designed to help you hit every single body part with more VOLUME! Each workout focuses on key elements to really help you progress and get your best results...

These are incredibly powerful workouts designed to get you stronger, leaner, more toned, and completely reshape your body to give you that “athletic physique”.


1) WARM UP & COOL DOWN: this will help you warm up to prime your muscles for the workout, then our cool down will be the perfect way to close out your workout!

2) PERFECT INTERVALS:  you will focus on different interval styles throughout the workout so that you can get the most out of every set. I've designed these so you can make amazing progress in each workout!

3) UPPER & LOWER BODY:  you'll be hitting your upper and lower body strategically during these workouts, so that you can get stronger, leaner, and more toned! 

4) CORE & CARDIO:  Oh yea! We will be getting in some amazing core & cardio work, too. This part of the workout is going to be FIRE!

And the best part is, these workouts are right around 30-minutes - that means you can crush your workout and move on with your day!

With these workouts, we’ve designed them specifically for what all our readers ask for the most…

  • Tighten & Tone Your Midsection
  • Sculpt Your Arms & Legs
  • Get Rid Of Belly & Excess Body Fat

My guess is you’d like to achieve all that, but the question remains…

How do you do that without spending hours working out? With the Power Burn program, that’s how!

The best part about Power Burn?

You do NOT need to spend hours working out to get amazing results…

Like I said, all you need is about 30-minutes to complete these workouts!

All I gotta say - is get ready to have some fun and transform your body faster than ever in the process...

When You Join The 30-Day Power Burn Program, You'll Get...

When You Join The 30-Day Power Burn Program, You'll Get...

1. My Absolute Best At Home Workouts For Getting In Great Shape, Fast!

1. My Absolute Best At Home Workouts For Getting In Great Shape, Fast!

Power Burn Training Manual

These workouts were designed to help you get incredibly fast results, right at home with just a set of dumbbells! These workouts were designed to get you stronger, more toned, and incredibly confident in your skin without having to spend hours working out. 

You're going to start off Power Burn with me in phase 1 so get ready to hit the ground running in workout #1. As we progress in Power Burn, you'll get stronger, leaner, and more toned!

I can't wait for you to experience the power of these workouts!

2. Follow Along Workout Videos

2. Follow Along Workouts Videos

We've helped thousands of men and women transform their bodies using our member-tested workouts. And for this program, every workout is follow along fashion! That's right...

You just press "PLAY" and do the workouts with me!

Even better, we've fully upgraded our follow along workouts - giving you full modifications, progressions, coaching cues, and more right inside the workouts! Plus, you're going to be following my specific sequences in each workout to ensure you get your best results...

With these workouts, you can expect to see your best results in the next 30-days - and within 14-days, you'll be feeling stronger than ever! 

3. Power Burn Nutrition Plan

3. Power Burn Nutrition Plan

Power Burn Nutrition Manual

Nutrition will play an important role in helping you get your best results. That being said, here at HIITBURN, we don't believe in counting macros. We don't believe in restricting your favorite foods. And we absolutely don't believe in starving yourself to get results.

Instead, our Program Nutrition Plan is going to help you get amazing results eating all your favorite foods and never counting a single calorie! How awesome is that?

This is by far our most effective nutrition plan, and it's so dang enjoyable!

4. Access To Our HIITBURN Community Group

4. Access To Our HIITBURN Community Group

The HIITBURN Community is by far one of the best resources for inspiration, motivation and personal connections. Our community is filled with thousands of individuals, just like you, who are on their own fitness journeys.

Inside the group, you can share your personal wins and milestones, ask questions and receive helpful feedback, and simply connect with others who also love living their best life!

Whether you're searching for motivation and encouragement or just want to brag a little about your new found successes, the HIITBURN Community is waiting with open arms to welcome you, and help make your fitness journey amazing!

No matter where you are starting, whether a brand new beginner or advanced fitness enthusiast, you will have the support you need to be successful!

Join Power Burn And See Incredible Results In 30 Days!

I can promise you that this program is something that will be a breath of fresh air while you have some fun working towards your goals. And just wait till you see what you can accomplish in just 30-days!

If you're ready to get started, simply register below!

Power Burn Program


Register For The Power Burn Program Now!

Normally $129
ONLY $97 

Register For The Power Burn Program Now!

Power Burn Program

Normally $129 
ONLY $97 


We are in this TOGETHER...

We are In This TOGETHER...

TOGETHER: I keep saying that word because I truly believe that right now especially, is a time when support, accountability, and fun are so dang important. 

Even though we are going through some crazy times, we can still have some fun and get into amazing shape! 

Still have Questions? Let me answer your questions below: 

When can I start this program?

What equipment do I need?

Who is this challenge for?

How much does it cost?

What comes with the program?

How is this different from everything else out there?

When do I need to begin / can I keep this after the 30-days?

Ready to get started? 

Just ONE payment of $97 will get you everything you need for your total transformation in just 30-days!

We practice what we preach here at HIITBURN and we have helped hundreds of thousands of people to lose weight, get lean, and just feel amazing. I want to help you get the fastest possible results. I want you to get results and KEEP them for life. That is why this is different… The results of your hard work will LAST.

Normally $129
ONLY $97 




It's my goal to get YOU your best results ever.
So let's do that together!

Let me help YOU...

Power Burn Program

Normally $129
ONLY $97 



Provided By:

The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on this site is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given on this site are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given on this site are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author. 

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