3 Exercises To Get Better And Leaner Calves

Author: HIITBURN.com[/text_block]

Along with six-pack abs, glutes, and arms… Calves are right up there in the “best looking muscle” category.
So how exactly can you go about getting better calves?
I have written about this before, but as of late I have really been seeing great definition in my calves and legs just by incorporating 3 different exercises.
And the great thing is all of them can be done with just your bodyweight (one of the exercises, you can include a piece of equipment if you want).
So what are those three exercises? Take a look:[/text_block]

Now I don’t run straight barefoot. I have been running in my Vibram Five Fingers.
If you don’t know what these are I highly recommend checking them out. Visit the link below to see them for yourself. I highly encourage you to purchase a pair of these shoes (even with as funny as they look) because of the many benefits they bring:
Other options:
Ok, back to the barefoot sprints. Sprints will greatly help in increasing leg definition while eliminating tons of unwanted fat. It is truly the best exercise on the planet, so if you want to start seeing results in your calves (and everywhere in your body) start sprinting… barefoot!
I do recommend starting off slow as the first time doing them you may be very sore in your toes, feet, and shins but it gets better with each session.[/text_block]

Jumping bring incredible benefits for your whole body especially when it comes to building ripped, lean muscle. You will be amazed at how quickly you start seeing leg muscles that you never even knew were there.
Often times, people will say that jumping “hurts my back”, “hurts my knees”, “it’s too hard”… If that’s the case, START SLOW. Incorporate some low intensity jumping a few times a week then build up from there…[/text_block]

A recent study showed that jumping rope can burn up to 19 calories per minute, compared to a spin class that only burn around 9. Pretty crazy right?
Plus, when you jump rope you will start feeling the burn in your calves near immediately. Jumping rope will really allow your calves, legs, and abs to get more defined and leaner!
==> Click HERE for 31 done-for-you jump rope workouts! <==
All three of these exercises, although not labeled as “calf exercises”, will bring some serious results in the lower part of the legs. Not only that, but all three of these exercises will generate incredible fat burning and help build lean muscle.
No workout routine should ever be done without the three exercises above. If you are not incorporating them already, I recommend you start a few times per week. They will only help get better results!
Hope this helped answer your question about how to get better and leaner calves![/text_block]

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