In 6-weeks from right now, get ready to see your abs or even have RIPPED six-pack abs when you look in the mirror… Because…
When you follow the 3-techiques below for the next 6-weeks, you will finally be able to melt away stubborn belly fat and get ripped six-packs abs in record time…
Now, as I am sure you can guess… This won’t be a walk in the park. However…
If you can put in some hard work for these next few weeks, be motivated to push through when the going get’s tough, and follow the 3 simple techniques that follow…
Then I know you’ll be pleasantly surprised (even SHOCKED) by what you see on day 42 when you look in the mirror… So…
If you think you’re up to the challenge, read on and let’s get to it…[/text_block]


You see, a few years back… I was extremely frustrated by the lack of results I was seeing in the gym…
Day in and day out, I worked my butt off… YET week after week, I had NOTHING to show for it.
It seemed like I couldn’t lose an ounce of fat, let alone burn enough fat to get my abs to show…
It was then I came across an interesting article about how fitness models prepare during their last few weeks before a photo shoot…
The principles these fitness models were using seemed right up my ally… That is, with a few modifications (i.e. without all the crazy restriction and hours spent in the gym) ????
After doing my research, studying all the books and articles I could… I decided to take what I learned and create my own plan… One that is designed specifically to help get a ripped set of six pack abs in the shortest possible time…
By the end of the first 14-days, I knew I was on to something good… And by the end of the 6-weeks, I couldn’t believe it when I looked in the mirror…
I’ll get the end of this story in a moment, but first let’s cover the 3-simple techniques that you can use to finally see your abs in these next 6-weeks…[/text_block]

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All this did was drain my energy and eat up my muscle… It’s also what causes you to plateau…
The truth is, carbs are a MUST if you ever was to see your abs…
The key is eating them at the RIGHT TIMES.
Over the next 6-weeks, you are going to be using a simple yet POWERFUL technique known as “Carb Cycling”.
You may have heard of this before, yet, nothing like what I am about to share…
You see, most carb cycles are super confusing. However, simply following a few key points will bring you amazing results in a very short period of time… So…
For starters, here’s what you should be focusing on these next 6-weeks in terms of protein, fats, and eating your carbs at the RIGHT TIME…
Let’s start with protein and fats as those are the easier…
For protein, each day you want to be eating about 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. That means if you weigh 150 pounds, you should eat AT LEAST 150 grams of protein. Pretty simple…
For fats, it depends on whether you are on a low carb or high carb day… Don’t worry, it’s super simple…
For HIGH carb days, keep fats LOW.
For LOW carb days, keep fats HIGHER.
Still with me? Good. Let’s move on to the carbs.
On LOW carb days, the formula is pretty simple… Keep carbs LOW. Preferably at about .25 grams per pound of bodyweight.
That means if you weight 150 pounds right now, you’d eat about 40 grams of carbs on low carb days (150 pounds X .25). That is not a lot of carbs, but don’t worry because we are carb cycling which means you’ll also get…
HIGH Carb Days…
For high carb days, you want to make sure you bump up the carbohydrates… Preferably eating 1-2 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight. That means if you weight 150 pounds, you should be eating 150-300 grams of carbs on high carb days.
By cycling through low and high carb days, you are putting your body in the best position to burn a bunch of fat…
So quickly, let’s recap how easy this is:
Low Carb Days: Eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, keep fats higher, and eat about .25 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight…
High Carb Days: Eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, keep fats lower, and eat about 1-2 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight…
Simply following this format, you’ll be SHOCKED at how quickly you start to strip away bodyweight…
Along with nutrition though… You must also follow a specific type of workout…[/text_block]

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For example, doing back one day, legs the next, chest the next, arms the next, etc…
Although this can bring some results, it also results in you spending LOADS of time in the gym (I’m talking 6-days a week for at least an hour per session)…
By doing this, you will be able to cut down your time spent in the gym, burn MORE calories and fat, and still be able to build the muscle you want.
Full body workouts are all about MUSCLE ACTIVATION. The more muscles you can activate each workout, the best results you’re going to see. So…
Instead of just focusing on one single body part each day at the gym, you’ll want to do full body workouts each and every time. Let me give you an example…
Below is a sample circuit that you can do to FOCUS on legs but also hit your full body (and cardio)…
1A) Barbell Squats – 12 reps
1B) Pull-Ups – Max reps
1C) Box-Jumps – 20 reps
As you can see, you’re hitting just about every muscle in your body with the FOCUS being on the legs.
This is what will allow you to build the lean muscle you want AND burn a ton of calories and fat from your workouts… So…
Make sure each one of your workouts hits your FULL BODY and activates as many muscles as possible…
Then for your cardio days…

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With your cardio sessions, intensity is key. And what’s great about High Intensity Cardio is that you keep your sessions super short… I’m talking 10-15 minutes max.
The key here is pushing what you call your “Anaerobic Threshold.” This refers to you pushing at your highest intensity for a short period of time then repeating (an example would be sprints or burpees or jump rope or anything that gets you tired quickly…)
One study from The European Journal of Applied Physiology showed that the greater amount of time you spend at or above your anaerobic threshold, the greater fat loss you will see. Plus…
It’s been proven that short, intense cardio workouts burn 97% body fat compared to long cardio workouts that burn only 78% body fat (that also means long cardio burns 22% MUSCLE)…
So you’ll burn 19% MORE body fat with short, intense cardio workouts AND you don’t need to worry about losing your hard earned lean muscle… So…
Keep you cardio workouts short and INTENSE. Simple as that…
If you can follow those 3 simple techniques for the next 6-weeks… I can promise you that you will have a leaner midsection, see your abs for the first time, and even have a RIPPED set of six-pack abs…
Once again, let me ask you…
How would YOU like to see your abs or even have a RIPPED six-pack in just 6-weeks from now?
If you answered ‘YES’, then I am excited to announce to you that plan that that will finally push you past that frustrating plateau and help you reveal your abs…[/text_block]

- The Exact Nutrition Plan That You MUST Follow Including When To Have Your Low And High Carb Days So That You Can Maximize Your Fat Burning…
- Done-For-You Workouts That You Can Follow And Progress Through Over These Next 6-Weeks So That You Get Your Best Results While In The Gym…
- Where You Should Strategically Add In Your Short, Intense Cardio Days So That You Can Burn The Most Belly Fat (this is incredibly important)
- The 3 Simple “Tricks” That Will Help You Burn Fat Even Faster That You Can Easily Implement Into Your Day To Ensure Your Best Results…

That’s not all…
You see… This is a powerful program… YET… It is challenging. That being said…
If you follow what it says, do the workouts, and follow the carb cycle… I KNOW you will LOVE your results at the end of these 6-weeks… AND…
Here’s my guarantee if you go through the full 6-weeks on this program…[/text_block]

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Complete the full 6-weeks on the 6-Week 6-Pack program and if you haven’t lost your stubborn belly fat in that time…
Not only will I give you your money back, I will also hook you up with another one of my programs absolutely free.
Listen, I am not saying that everyone will see their abs or have a ripped 6-pack in these next 6-weeks… Because…
The reality is… Someone who has 50 pounds to lose is A LOT different than someone who has 10-15 pounds to lose… HOWEVER…
I will say this…
Go through the 6-weeks on this program and you will be OVERLY pleased with your results. That’s guaranteed.
Some of you will see your abs for the first time. Others will even get a ripped six-pack…
The truth is this… The program WORKS for everyone across the board. You WILL see results…
All I ask is that you give a honest effort. If you can do that, your results will be INSANE!

I want to ENSURE that you to see the INSANE fat burning results that you deserve and desire on this program…
Which is why I am throwing in 3 KILLER bonuses absolutely FREE…[/text_block]


Inside you’ll find a wide range of finisher and ab workouts that will take your results to that next level. Included with this are full video descriptions of each exercise so you know exactly how to do each workout.
These workouts take just 4-10 minutes and can burn up to 20-calories PER MINUTE.[/text_block]

You’ll get instant access to a full workout programs, extensive exercise library, 30 day challenges, weekly workouts, community support, and so much more.
Included in this special 6-Week 6-Pack offer, you’ll get 14 Days FREE to try out the Superhero Body University. After your special 14 day trial, membership is just $47/mo. You may cancel at any time with no questions asked.[/text_block]


Which is why I wanted to give you free instant access to one of my most popular programs as my FREE gift to you today. In this unique program, you’ll discover 30 different Anaerobic Threshold Conditioning workouts that you can do to dramatically increase your fat burning and cardio.
If you follow these workouts,you will absolutely LOVE what you see in just a few weeks time..
This bonus alone is worth your investment today…
So by now you may be wondering how you can get access to the 6-Week 6-Pack program + all these awesome bonuses…[/text_block]

You want a plan that is completely done-for-you so that you don’t have to think… You just follow as is and see awesome results. And…
With the kind of results you’ll see in these next 6-weeks with the 6-Week 6-Pack program… I could easily charge $47 for this program and you’d be 100% satisfied paying that after seeing yourself in the mirror on day 42…
That being said, my goal has always been to help as many people as possible attain six-pack abs… And this program is no different…
And because I don’t have overhead costs since everything on this page 100% downloadable, I’ve decided to make this full program AND bonuses available right now for just $19 today…
The reason I am pricing it so low is because I want people to TAKE ACTION! And at just $19, that’s an absolute steal yet it’s an investment to show me that you are serious about getting six-pack abs…
And if you need to justify the price… Just don’t eat out ONE meal and that is your investment today…[/text_block]

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You CAN try and create your own plan using the 3 techniques we covered above… Because let’s be honest, I went into some good detail with those to help you walk away with something today… However…
Why not use a PROVEN and tested plan to help you get there faster?
If you are anything like me, you CRAVE fast results. And that’s exactly what this program will bring. So…
The choice is yours.
You will either continue to go at this by yourself or try to build a plan on your own… Or you allow me to provide you with a proven system to help you get there, that is 100% guaranteed.
I hope you choose the latter. So…
Click the ‘Add To Cart’ button below and let’s get you start NOW![/text_block]


Let’s get after it together![/text_block]

P.P.S. Remember, you won’t find this system anywhere else. There are certainly other ways to help you get six pack abs, yet none will work better than my 6-Week 6-Pack program. Man or woman, this system will get you stronger and leaner in just weeks![/text_block]


(Note: In accordance with the FTC, it is required that we identify what a “typical” result is. The truth is hard to swallow: most people never do anything with the products they purchase. So their typical results are zero, most of the time. The biggest factor is you. I’ve worked with clients that lost up to 20 pounds in 21-days using this method. They were willing to take action and put in the hard work and effort.)
The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on this site is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given on this site are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given on this site are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.
I agree to keep everything within the Superhero Body University confidential. I will not share Superhero Body University content with others or share my username and password without getting express written permission from Heenan Enterprises, LLC. I understand that my purchase is covered by Dennis and Kelsey’s 30 day money-back-guarantee. I understand that I can request a refund by emailing Dennis or Kelsey at [email protected]. I understand that if I decide not to cancel my membership after the 14 day trial membership, I’ll continue receiving new videos and I’ll automatically be billed $47/month.[/text_block]