If you are looking for an amazing and simple recipe to make, I've got you covered! If you are looking for MORE delicious fat burning recipes like this one, get my Recipe Book Here! TACO CASSEROLE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTktCAQXTEM Ingredients: -2 tablespoons ghee or grass fed butter -2 tablespoons avocado oil -1 red onion, chopped -1 red bell pepper, … [Read more...]
6 Tricep Defining Arm Exercises
A muscle many people forget to workout, but is important to is the TRICEPS! So, today we want to give you 6 Tricep defining arm exercises! Are you looking to get more defined arms? Then, make sure to hit those muscles on the back of your arms! GIVE THESE EXERCISES A TRY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhyezo7BBlU 6 Tricep Defining Arm Exercises Dips with … [Read more...]
Arm & Shoulder Workout
I used to hate doing arm and shoulder workouts, because I felt so weak. But, then I changed my mindset and saw these workouts as opportunities to improve, get stronger and leaner, and build muscle! Now, my favorite workouts ARE arm and shoulder workouts! It is CRAZY what a mindshift change can do! Here is one of our arm & shoulder workouts for you to give a … [Read more...]
Intermittent Fasting for Women
Today, we are going to talk about Intermittent Fasting and our flexible IF plan in regards to women! First off, we want to state that flexible IF (Intermittent Fasting) is not a diet but rather an eating pattern… It does not determine what you eat… But rather WHEN you eat… The key with flexible IF is that you will have a flexible window of time when you will be … [Read more...]
Lean Abs Workout
Wanting to get lean and shredded abs? Check out this workout we made! Give it a try, we think you will love it! It is a BURNER! HERE IS THE WORKOUT: Complete 40-seconds on, 20-seconds off of the following movements. Complete 5 total rounds. -Mountain Climbers -Alternating Low Lunges -Rocking Planks Side to Side -Sit Back Push Ups *Modifications: Alternating Low Lunges -- … [Read more...]