Lots of people ask what our ACTUAL workout routine is. So, we are happy to share it with all of you to give you an idea of what our regular workout routine looks like! Our Workout Routine: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: -Strength training + Short HIIT workout. - We add a short HIIT workout as a “finisher", right around 5-12 minutes long (often using workouts from … [Read more...]
4-Minute Full Body Workout
We've got a fun, relaxed 4-minute full body workout for you today, that consisted of some fun and unique exercises. This is a great 4-minute full body workout that you can do as a finisher or on an off day. Here's what you'll do: Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 4-minutes! Only rest if needed. -10 Prisoner Step ups + Knee to Elbow (5 each side) -10 … [Read more...]
4 Ways To See Faster Results This Week…
I love Monday's. Yes, I know... I am one of "THOSE" people ;) But let me tell you why I love Monday's... It's a perfect time to START! It doesn't matter if you screwed up on your diet over the weekend, or skipped your workouts last week... Heck... Even if you already ate a donut this morning... That's OK! Today is a new day. RIGHT NOW is a new time. A time … [Read more...]
Sprinting For A Flatter Stomach…
Sprinting - doesn’t HAVE to mean running! We mention sprinting in our workouts quite a bit, and most people will immediately associate it with running. Running is a wonderful and effective way to incorporate sprinting, but did you know that there are also lots of other options when it comes to sprinting?! Weather, injury, or simply preference are all reasons we hear that … [Read more...]
5 Best Back Exercises…
I LOVE a good back workout. And with SO many great options for exercises, I thought it would be helpful to put together what I feel are the 5 BEST back exercises. Check it out: Lat Pull-Downs https://vimeo.com/198732896 We love these for many reasons, the main one being that they will really help improve your pull-ups. So make sure you add these to each back workout you … [Read more...]