Maybe you've heard that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day"... However, several years ago, I was attending a conference when the keynote speaker said something I will never forget... "Breakfast, lunch, or dinner is NOT the most important meal of the day... ...Your NEXT meal is the most important meal of the day." Think about that... What good is it … [Read more...]
Your Thanksgiving Fat Burning Plan…
(Note: This was written the week of Thanksgiving but can be applied to any Holiday or before a vacation you have or before a party) Around the Holiday's is one of the toughest times to burn fat. And with Thanksgiving being this week... I wanted to give you a simple plan to follow that will allow you to eat whatever you want on Thanksgiving without worrying about gaining … [Read more...]
How To Put On Lean Muscle…
"If you want to be strong, you’ve got to stop acting weak!” Putting on lean muscle is many times just as hard as trying to lose weight. The principles however, are very much the same with a bit of a twist. When I made my transformation and started adding muscle, I worked hard each day to add muscle all while keeping off the unwanted fat. It is easy to think that you can … [Read more...]
Advanced At Home Fat Burning Workout
In the midst of the Holiday Season, getting to the gym may become a bit tougher. But that doesn't mean your workouts have to suffer. Today, I'd like to share an advanced at home fat burning workout that I know you'll love. Check it out... Advanced At Home Fat Burning Workout: Perform 30 seconds on each exercise with no rest in between. Rest ONLY where it says to … [Read more...]
3 Reasons You Can’t Get Lean
When it comes to getting leaner, your nutrition approach needs to be dialed in... That said... A good nutrition plan is also about... Getting YOU healthy. Helping YOU feeling good while doing it. Allowing YOU to SEE visible results. Because let’s be completely honest… What is the point of going on a diet if you are miserable the whole time, isn't setting you up … [Read more...]