Today, we are going to be talking all about GLUTES! If you are trying to build a booty, but aren't seeing the results you are wanting, then make sure to read below! We have 5 reasons that may help you figure out why you are not growing your glutes. Here they are: 1.TOO MUCH SITTING! If you are sitting for the majority of your day, whether at work or school or whatever … [Read more...]
5 Lower Ab Blasting Exercises
People are always looking to get more chiseled and defined abs! The lower ab region can be a hard place to target and really work those muscles. Here are some amazing low ab exercises that will get lower core burning! 5 Lower Ab Blasting Exercises Leg Raise to Hip Up Modified In-n-Outs Alternating Leg Raises Flutter Kicks for Abs Plank … [Read more...]
Glute Strength Workout
Having strong glute muscles is important for many reasons. When your glute muscles are firing correctly, they keep your hips in alignment--helping you to stabilize your hips and whole body! It can also help you to avoid lower back pain. We always try to make sure we do not neglate our glute muscles! We even wrote an article called "5 Glute Activation Exercises". Check it … [Read more...]
Ab Toning Workout 4 x 4
We get asked all the time how to get flat, chiseled abs! We also get asked how often we train our abs. We will do ab work up to 3 times a week. And here is some good news: you don't have to work your abs for hours on end! It really is true that "abs are made in the kitchen". So, that is why we practice carb cycling with also doing HIIT-style workouts that will include … [Read more...]
100 Rep Bodyweight Workout
Get ready to SWEAT! That's all I will say. This workout will be quick, but it's going to be intense too! As I am writing this, it's Monday morning. And Monday's are ALWAYS the day I kick up the intensity of my workouts because it's such a great way to kick off the week. So... This 100 reps workout will be my finisher after leg day. This will put my total workout time around … [Read more...]