How often should you workout each week? The question of “should I workout everyday” is a question we get asked quite a bit. This especially happens around the New Year when people are motivated to get in shape, plan to go to the gym 9 times a week, and expect to see results by the end of week two. Day one rolls around and they hit the gym hard, much harder than they … [Read more...]
5 Workouts For Every Situation
No matter what your situation... Whether you are at home, in the gym, in the park, on vacation, in your hotel room, etc... You should be able to get in a killer workout. And today, I've included 5 different workouts to choose from no matter what situation you are in. You will find: 1) Barbell Complex 2) Dumbbell Complex 3) Bodyweight HIIT 4) No-Time Workout 5) … [Read more...]
3 Best “Full Body Ab” Exercises
Did you know you don’t have to only do those traditional “ab” exercises that only target your midsection to see results in your midsection?! If fact, there are full body ab exercises that you should incorporate in order to help build core strength and stability while building overall strength. Here are the 3 best “full body ab” exercises that will help get your abs … [Read more...]
Better Than “Cardio”
There were cardio machines lining the wall with a beautiful view of the city… Every single machine was filled with people galavanting along while checking out the view. Now picture this… Someone taking in the same view but burning double, if not triple the calories and fat in half the time. Yea, that was me… :) Working hard to get my workout finished so I could go … [Read more...]
Dirty Dozen – Foods That Contain The Most Pesticides
Over the past several years, more and more studies have come out about pesticides and food. And what many people don't know, is that many of the most healthy food in the world is being contaminated with pesticides. Each year, the Environmental Working Group makes a list of foods that makes their "dirty dozen" list, which covers the 12 foods that have the most pesticides … [Read more...]