We are having our Labor Day Workout be 100% bodyweight because most people are out and about celebrating the day off. We also wanted to keep it SHORT. Just 9-minutes. Here it is: Labor Day Bodyweight Workout Set your timer for 9-minutes. Complete as many rounds as possible on the exercises below in that time frame. Write down how many rounds you were able to … [Read more...]
“Rep Challenge” Workouts For Fat Loss…
Here at HIITBURN.com, we love rep challenge workouts. A rep challenge workout can be defined as doing an allotted number of reps as fast as possible, then when doing it again, trying to beat your previous time. The goal of challenger workouts is to push you to beat your previous score each time you do the workout. Crossfit does an incredible job working this into their … [Read more...]
Eating Carbs At Night To Burn More Fat
Most people have been led to believe that eating carbs at night is doomsday when it comes to burning fat... However, what does the SCIENCE have to say about this? I think you'll be shocked... Can Eating The Majority Of Your Carbs At Night Help You Lose MORE Weight? For years now, many have preached that you need to eat every few hours in order to "keep your metabolism … [Read more...]
Fat Burning Workouts From Home
Complete Fat Burning Workouts From Home Guide Who says you need a gym when you can get high intensity, quick fat burning workouts done in the comfort of your own home? The truth is, some of the best workouts around can be at home with little or no equipment. For a few months each year, our workouts will consist of working out at home or at a park. We bring a few pieces of … [Read more...]
5 Unique Exercises That Burn A TON Of Calories
When it comes to workouts, we are always looking for unique ways to change things up in order to burn more calories. And today, we'd like to share 5 exercises that will do just that. Not only are they unique, they will help you burn A TON of calories each workout. Below you will see all 5 exercises as well as a video showing you how to do it: Dumbbell … [Read more...]