If you have spent some time on HIITBURN before, you know by now that your workouts do not have to last very long. In fact, we have gone over several quick fat burning workouts that last less that 5 minutes and bring incredible results. With that said, I know many people that simply enjoy working out for longer than 5-10 minutes. For that reason, I have decided to put … [Read more...]
7X7 High Intensity Strength Workout
Get Ready To Feel The Burn! Today's workout is simple. 7 rounds of 7 different exercises. It's designed to help you gain strength while working at a high intensity. You will need some equipment for this one. Let's get to the workout... Workout Instructions... Complete all reps on one exercise before moving to the next. You will be competing 7 full rounds, resting … [Read more...]
Fat Burning Ladder Workout
When it comes to creating fat burning workouts, we always like to vary the structure the workout itself. This is the perfect way to keep things interesting and give your workouts a little break from the norm. So today, you will be doing a great fat burning ladder workout that consists of 5 of our favorite exercises. You will then finish with a challenging ab workout at the … [Read more...]
Belly Fat Burning Workouts…
Workouts For Burning Belly Fat The problem is NOT your ab muscles… It’s the stomach fat around your abs that you need to focus on when putting together your best fat burning workouts… According to a study done by Men’s Health, it takes 22,000 crunches to burn just ONE single pound of fat… 22 THOUSAND! I just dropped down and did 60-seconds of crunches and was able to … [Read more...]
Beginner Fat Burning Workouts
7 free fat burning workouts for beginners below! When you are a beginner, finding the right fat burning workouts is incredibly important. Far too many times you see beginners doing the wrong workouts and exercises for months, then end up quitting all together because they are not seeing the results they desire. The truth is, most of you reading this have been given the … [Read more...]