Got a few unique ab exercises that I wanted to share with you today, ones that I've been incorporating into my training the last few weeks with great success. Whether your goal is to build muscle, lose weight, or just get ripped... Adding in the right core workouts is a MUST. And today, you'll see three of the exercises that I've been using lately to really blast my … [Read more...]
The Perfect Fat Burning Workout
"What’s the perfect fat burning workout?” ...Is the question that one of my clients asked me a few weeks back. At first I didn’t really know what to say… I mean there are a lot of workouts that can help you burn fat and lots of it… But the perfect fat burning workout? As I thought about this question, I started brainstorming exactly what would go into the perfect fat … [Read more...]
TRUTH Behind The World’s Best Bodies
Article By Dennis Heenan, Co-Creator of Growing up, I will always remember my favorite action figure… Whether or not you were into Superhero’s, my bet is you can remember what your favorite toy was. Here was mine: That right there is Gambit from X-Men. I remember liking him for three reasons: He was tall (my dad is tall) He was very muscular but not … [Read more...]
7 Exercises That Burn At Least 12 Calories Per Minute…
At some point in your fitness journey, in order to get to that “next level”, you need to kick your workouts up a notch. Kind of like Emeril does in his cooking... #BAM! Now this doesn't mean working out longer, it means being STRATEGIC with your intensity. And lately, I’ve been using a few different methods in order to make this happen. First, DENSITY is one of the … [Read more...]
Workout That Burns 19 Calories Per Minute
This Simple Workout Will Burn Up to 285 Calories in Just 15 Minutes! In a study done by the American Council of Exercise, researchers found that kettlebell swings burn up to 20.2 calories per minute. Pretty impressive right? In comparison, a spin class was found to burn only 9.8 calories per minute. Now as much as I love kettlebell swings, the problem is not everyone … [Read more...]