The jump rope is one of the most power exercises and pieces of workout equipment around. All you need is a 5X5 space and you are good to go. It's the perfect travel buddy as it takes up virtually no room in your bag and is far better to do than the boring cardio equipment that most hotel gyms offer. This simple tool is used by athletes everywhere to burn fat and get into … [Read more...]
5 Ways To Burn More Calories
Despite what the “experts” say, the old saying “calories in vs. calories out” still does matter… And if you are frustrated by the progress you are seeing… Then you have to burn more calories. Below we will cover 5 quick and simple ways that you can start doing this [plus I will build an “Calorie Burner Workout” for you right in front of eyes!] 1) Superset or circuit … [Read more...]
How To Train Your Abs For Strength
How To Get Stronger And Leaner Abs In Just 6-Weeks While Spending Less Than 10-Minute Per Workout... It pains me to walk into a gym and see men and women blasting their abs with all kinds of sit-ups and crunches thinking that this is what they need to do to get lean. This is the reason that crunches get a bad rap. It's not that crunches are a "bad" exercise like so … [Read more...]
How To Accelerate Your Fat Loss
If you want to burn a few percentages of body fat... Or you have anywhere from 5-20 pounds of fat to lose... You've got to start getting your diet dialed in throughout the week... I'll show you how to do that (step-by-step) in just a second, but first... Recent research has confirmed that successful dieters are the ones that stick to their diet Monday-Friday... Not … [Read more...]