Getting quality sleep can be hard to come by.
But, there are some routines and things you can do to help you work on winding down before you actually start snoozing!
We think that setting yourself up for a great night of sleep actually starts much earlier than when your head hits the pillow!
Here are a few ways we suggest to help you improve your sleep and while also helping you to relax:
1.Shut off electronics! Did you know that phones, computers, ipads, and electronics in general give off a blue light that can wreak havoc on your sleeping patterns? Blue light signals to your brain that it is time to get up–as it is most abundantly seen in the morning. So, when you are looking at blue light later in the evening near your bedtime, your brain can think it is time to be awake and get going, rather than time to start slowing down and get ready to turn in for the day. So, we recommend choosing to turn off your electronics two hours before bed, so your body and brain can get in sync, slow down, and be ready to get into your REM sleep cycle and get quality sleep!
2.Practice mindfulness! Oftentimes we are unable to get good sleep because our mind is racing 100 miles a minute! We can’t seem to turn it off! This is where mindfulness comes into play! We suggest adding in 3 minutes of belly breathing sometime during your day, and also while you are starting to unwind for the night!
For belly breathing: Put one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. Fill your belly up with air as much as possible and then let it out and repeat! Try focusing on not letting your chest rise and fall but instead, letting your belly rise and fall.
3.Dim the lights! Creating a peaceful, calming, and dark environment is another way we have helped ourselves get quality sleep. A great way to do this is light a candle with a soothing smells to give you some light! This can set a peaceful tone to your home.
4.Deal with Conflict Early in the Day! Conflict and dealing with tough or challenging conversations and situations are inevitable in life. They can cause anxiety, stress, and keep you up at night and your mind racing. So, we encourage you to try to avoid hard conversations or stressful situations later in the evening. Try to deal with them earlier in the day or after a good night’s rest. This can help your mind to relax and not overanalyze situations.
5.Add in Relaxation: There are many ways to help you relax and we do know that everyone has different preferences. But, we encourage you to do something that will help you to feel peaceful and unwind. Some ways we love are: drink some calming herbal tea (we recommend decaffeinated), journal and reflect on the day, do some reading, stretch, and take a bath.
Choosing to really work on taking our stress and giving yourself better, quality sleep is so important to your overall well-being! We hope you can try these ideas we shared and you can prioritize your sleep!
We hope you found these suggestions helpful!
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