Here at HIITBURN, we believe the scale is not the best measure of your progress. Often times, you will be gaining muscle and losing fat, and the scale cannot differentiate the two. In a lot of the fitness industry, people ONLY measure success by how much you weigh. This can be a demoralizing thing, as every body is different and what one person weighs may be a really unhealthy weight for someone else.
So, we wanted to give you some other ways for you to track your progress!
We recommend asking yourself these questions:
-How am I sleeping? Has the quality of my sleep improved?
-How is my skin? Does it look clearer or feel healthier?
-How is my energy? Do I have more constant energy through the day?
-Am I able to concentrate longer and have a clearer mind?
-How do my clothes fit?
-How is my self-esteem? Am I building self-confidence?
-Am I getting stronger? Am I able to do more weight or more repetitions?
-Am I building more endurance? Do I have better stamina in my workouts?
-How is my relationship with food? Am I able to have more freedom in eating and enjoy it more?
These are just some amazing ways to see yourself progressing, even if the scale may not move at all.
We actually don’t weight ourselves at all… the last time we were weighed was when we do our yearly check-up with our doctor. We just don’t find weighing ourselves important, valuable, or creating a healthy mindset around health and fitness.
We DO think that taking progress pictures weekly while working on your health and fitness to be EXTREMELY valuable and helpful to really see the true transformation!
We created HIITBURN for many reasons, but some of them include to simplify health and fitness and help you reach your goals!
Interested in finding freedom from the scale and working on your health and fitness?
Find our more about our programs at our website:![]()