With summer right around the corner, carbs are a hot topic. Yet…
Many people that I’ve been talking to recently are doing something crazy like “I’m not eating carbs until summer”…
Agh! Don’t do that.
There’s a MUCH better and much more enjoyable way to get lean for summer. And…
You can start this Monday (or today if you want)
Here’s the thing… When it comes to getting lean, losing weight, burning fat, or whatever your goal…
Carbs are needed. You just need to focus on eating the RIGHT carbs and do it strategically through carb cycling.
So… If you start your Carb Cycle on Monday, you’ll be going low carb which means focusing on lots of good proteins, healthy fats, veggies, and some fruit (post workout).
I rarely eat carbs on Monday because Sundays are usually a “flex day” for me which means I eat lots of my favorite high carb foods like pizza, burritos, and even donuts 🙂
So jumping back to that lower carb day on Monday is super important because it allows you to get right back on track!
Then I simply focus on cycling between higher and lower carb days throughout the week to maximize results.
This is honestly the most simple and effective approach I have ever tried. Plus…
It brings FAST results and you can do it long term. Dennis and I have been carb cycling for almost 3 years now and it’s incredibly effective. And…
We do NOT count calories. We do NOT weigh food.
We simply focus on eating the right foods at the right times.
Easy peasy!