Have you ever felt a cloudy fog in your body and mind on a Monday morning (or any more for that matter)?
You are sleepy and maybe even a bit overwhelmed with what the week ahead will bring.
Sure, maybe it’s because…
You raged all weekend with friends…
Or maybe the baby just DID NOT sleep…
Perhaps, you have just been a super busy season at work or life and you are just – TIRED.
After a weekend of less rest than needed, and Monday comes around with a rolling fog…
That’s what I call that a case of Mondaze.
Mondaze is not an unusual feeling, especially for someone who is hardworking, like yourself.
It’s good to work hard, but it’s also important to build in routines that allow balance, recovery, and rest.
These routines can help you be more productive, stay more focused, and overall be happier and healthier.
I’ve built some simple routines into my weekdays in order to beat Mondaze before it even hits!
4 Steps to beating Mondaze
1) Friday Brain Dump
On Fridays, take 5-minutes at the end of your day to plan your Monday To-Do list and write notes about your tasks to help set yourself up for success.
That way, you don’t have to stress over the weekend about figuring out all the things you need to do the
following week. All you have to do on Monday is open your To-Do list and start checking things off!
2) Snooze-Free Monday
I get it. It’s hard to not snooze the alarm! If snoozing in the morning is a challenge for you, just start with not snoozing the alarm one day per week – Monday!
Set your alarm for the time that will allow you to have a relaxed morning routine, so you’re not stressed, rushing around as you get ready for your day.
Set your alarm 10-minutes earlier than you typically do, to ensure a relaxed start to the day (more on that in a second!).
3) 10-minutes of Quiet
Life gets busy really quickly. Plan in an extra 10-minutes for some quiet “me time.” Spend this time however you would like: reading, journaling, prayer, meditation…
Use this time to set your intentions for the day. It can be helpful to give yourself a little “pump up talk.”
For example, saying things like,
“Today, I am confident. I know what I am working towards today and that I have the ability to do it well.
Today, I am going to be balanced. I will work hard, but also find time to rest when my mind and body need rest.
Today, I am going to make healthy choices. I’m going to feed my body well. I’m going to move my body and stay active.
Today, I am going to improve myself just a little bit from yesterday and make a difference in someone else’s life too.”
Whatever types of time and intentions are helpful for you, focus on that! This will help set you up with a relaxed, purposeful and balanced mindset for the day!
4) Start with Wellness and Hydration
Beginning your Monday with some healthy hydration is a great way to give yourself a head start on the day and week.
There are few things I drink every day (and especially Mondays!) for my wellness to help lift the fog and give me clarity and energy.
I always start the with a big glass of water! Not only is this important to just maintain regular body functions, but it’s also super important for your skin and to help detoxify your body. Drinking water is really important in overcoming fatigue.
Starting with a simple greens drink helps boost energy throughout the day and especially right away in the morning.
The greens I take are incredibly nutrient-dense and packed with antioxidants. It tastes really fresh and is made out of real, whole, foods and is a healthy way to start the day!
Honestly, I look forward to this every morning. Seriously.
I LOVE coffee.
Starting with a cup or two of high quality coffee is great for an energy boost, a increase in your metabolic rate (AKA more fat burning), and get in some essential nutrients, like B vitamins (that help convert your food into fuel).
Of course you don’t want to overdo it (1-2 cups is great), and you want to be mindful of what you add to your coffee. If you like cream, stick to a little heavy cream or this vanilla collagen creamer (seriously so so so good!).
Plus, it’s just a tasty way to start the day!
If you have felt some Mondaze today, try out these 4 steps!
You don’t even have to wait until next Monday.
Try it out for tomorrow.
Honestly, it’s helped me be so much more productive, stay more focused, and overall be happier and healthier.