We all are busy. We all know how valuable our time is. So, how we make sure we optimize our time in regards to our workouts? Well, we have a few pointers we find helpful to help you get the most out of your workouts and want to share with you! 1) Add in Complex Exercises. This can be thought of as a two-for-one deal! We always try to throw in a few complex exercises into … [Read more...]
Memorial Day 2018 Workout
It's Time: Join The 30-Day Summer Challenge (starts Tuesday May 29th!) “500 calories in 30-minutes” WORKOUT Follow the format below, and let's get after it! Strength Training - Rest 30-60 seconds between sets! 1) Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 15 reps https://vimeo.com/253900387 2) T-Pushups 3 x 15 reps https://vimeo.com/262297898 After the 3 sets of each, … [Read more...]
Sweet Potato Hash
This is a great breakfast/brunch, option if you want to switch things up from eggs! It can also be a great lunch or dinner option as well. And it's incredibly simple to make - Plus it's Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting Approved! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKXBIwqaIWA INGREDIENTS 1 pound Sausage 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 red onion, diced 2 … [Read more...]
Killer Back Workout
If your goal is to get more toned arms, then your BACK workouts are extremely important... Not only will the RIGHT back exercises help you get a stronger back, they will also help strengthen and define your arms too. I just finished up my back workout for today, and I thought I'd send it over to you so that you can try it out. CLICK HERE TO GET STRONG! It's only 4 … [Read more...]
Caramelized Banana Pancakes
GET BACK ON TRACK! START THIS ON MONDAY! These Caramelized Banana Pancakes are MOUTHWATERING DELICIOUS! Enjoy on a higher carb day, or even post workout! INGREDIENTS: Pancakes: 1/2 cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk 2 eggs 1/2 a bananas 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon A … [Read more...]