Way back in the 1930’s, a German trainer put together a new workout program for one of his top track athletes…
It involved doing an exercise very hard for a short period of time, then resting and repeating.
He called this new style of training “Interval Training”, which I am sure you are now very familiar with…
It wasn’t until 1996 though, when researcher Izumi Tabata popularized “Interval Training” when he proved that just 4-minutes of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) brought better results than 30-minutes of traditional cardio.
This was a HUGE breakthrough to say the least.
And through the years, HIIT has only continued to get better and better…
There is just one problem though…
Many of today’s HIIT workouts are far to extreme and so difficult that many people have trouble even finishing them…
The truth is, the majority of interval workouts were designed to be just 4-10 minutes long, yet you see people extending these workouts to be 30+ minutes (with very little rest)…
This, my friends, is BAD…

You see, the whole point of HIIT workouts is to go at a high intensity during your working sets. Yet, without a good amount of rest between exercises (or full sets), people often find themselves slowing down as the workout continues…
So your HIIT workout turns into more of a “glorified slow cardio workout” than anything else… And this is NOT what you want…
Now, although it’s been proven that 4-minutes can get you great results…
New research proves that 20-minutes of high intensity exercise a few times per week is the “sweet spot” for burning fat, building strength, and getting lean faster.
The only problem?
Traditional HIIT workouts don’t allow you to keep the intense pace needed to see your best results and get the most out of your workouts…
Have you ever tried doing a 20-minute Tabata workout, where you do 20-seconds of work followed by 10-seconds of rest and repeat? Yea… It just doesn’t work. You’ll start slowing down after 4-6 minutes because your body is tired.
With that in mind, we’ve found a NEW kind of HIIT technique that is getting people leaner, FASTER and in less time…
…And it allows you to utilize high intensity interval training in a never-before-seen fashion so that you can hit that “sweet spot” for getting lean, faster.
On the next page, you’ll discover the exact techniques you should use in your HIIT workouts in order to see your absolute best results. And all you need to do to discover this NEW technique, is click the NEXT PAGE button below…