3 Exercises to Help Get Your First Pull-up!
Implement these 3 exercises into your workout routine to help get that first pull-up that you have been working so hard towards!
Each of these movements should be included 2-3 times per week to help make progress. We recommend starting with 2-3 sets of 10 reps of each.
1. Assisted Pull-ups
Your body needs to get used to moving through the full range of motion of a pull-up. A full range of motion means starting at a dead hang and pulling all the way through so that your chin is above the bar. A band that is connected to the bar can help to assist you if you are not able to do a full pull-up. If you do not have access to a band, then you can do pull-up negatives. This means jumping up so that your chin is over the bar and then lowering as slowly as possible until you are at a dead hang. These are tough so don’t do more than 5 of them in a set.
2. Bent-Over Rows
Lats are super important in a pull-up so they need to be strengthened! These can be done with either a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. A Bent-Over Row starts with your back parallel to the floor in a neutral spine position, and then pulling the barbell or DB’s up towards your middle stomach. Focus on pinching your shoulder blades together at the top.
3. V-Ups
Abdomen muscles are an essential muscle group needed to be effective at doing lots of pull-ups in a row. In a V-Up, you are focusing on pressing your low back into the ground and not allowing it to come off the floor in between sets. Your body should create a “hollowed out” look as you move through this exercise.
Get to work on those pull-ups!
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