Breakfast can be challenging…
Especially when you are in a rush.
The good news is, I’ve got 5 great breakfast options for you that take less than 5-minutes to prepare in the morning:
1) Eggs (any style)
Perfect for low carb carb and high carb days. Eggs as your first meal is always our #1 recommendation.
If you are super crunched for time, make some hard boiled eggs ahead of time and bring them with you!
But what about the days you don’t feel like eggs…
2) Plain Yogurt (add in your own mix ins)

Yogurt is great in the morning, just be sure to use plain greek yogurt that is high in protein and low in sugar. Siggi’s is my favorite brand.
For low carb days, I like adding some honey (for sweetness) and peanut butter or almond butter.
For high carb days, I’ll add honey and top it with fruit (usually blueberries and strawberries)
Simple and delicious!
3) Protein Shake
Quick and easy. Just be sure to use a good, high quality protein like this one here!
For low carb days, I like to add in peanut butter or almond butterfor some extra healthy fats.
For high carb days, adding in fruit like berries or a banana is always a great option 🙂
4) Egg Muffins (recipe in the cookbook)
I love these for many reasons. Not only are they delicious, you can make them ahead of time and have them on hand.
Super quick and easy.
5) Overnight Protein Oats (recipe in the cookbook)
These are a great option for your higher carb days. Plus, you can have them on hand for a few days.
Here’s the thing when it comes to your first meal…
For low carb days…
Focus on lots of protein and healthy fats.
For high carb days…
Focus on lots of protein and complex carbs (#5 is a perfect example)
How you start your day is SO important…
And these 5 breakfast ideas are a great place for you to start…