At some point in your fitness journey, in order to get to that “next level”, you need to kick your workouts up a notch.
Kind of like Emeril does in his cooking… #BAM!
Now this doesn’t mean working out longer, it means being STRATEGIC with your intensity.
And lately, I’ve been using a few different methods in order to make this happen.
First, DENSITY is one of the best ways to increase the intensity in your workouts.
Simply put, density is getting more work done in the same amount of time.
What I love about density is that it brings an element of competition to your workouts.
For example, let’s say you completed 10 rounds in 10-minutes last week on a certain workout. Well, this week when you do that same workout, my best guess tells me you’re going to be pushing for 11-rounds.
That immediately gives you a bump in intensity while working out for the same length.
The second way to start kicking up your workouts is through high intensity intervals.
The key here is to focus on extending the work interval and shortening the rest interval.
For example, if you’ve been doing a 30-second on, 30-second off interval for a while… Try bumping to a 40-second on, 20-second rest interval.
This slight change can make a drastic difference in your workouts.
The next step is choosing the right exercises and workout format. Well get to the exercises in just a minute, but first here’s the format I’ve been following recently:
Strength Training (focus on 1-2 exercises): 15-minutes
Density/High Intensity Interval: 15-minutes
Finisher: 5-6 minutes
This works incredibly well as it allows you to focus specifically on what you are working on at that moment in the workout. So if you’re working on strength, that’s all you should be doing. If it’s intensity, then that is your focus.
Next, you’ve got the exercises you are doing in your workouts.
Below, I’ve outlined 7 exercises that will help you burn 12 or more calories per minute. Plus, not to mention the afterburn effect that they bring.
Here’s the exercises I’ve been focusing on and you should to for accelerated results:
Rowing Machine – Burns 12.5 calories per minute
This is the best piece of cardio equipment at your gym. Utilize this one either as a finisher or as part of your density work. Harvard University found that it can burn 12.5 calories per minute and it’s what Gerard Butler used to drop tons of body fat as he prepared for his role in the movie ‘300’.
Jump Rope – Burns 13 calories per minute
According to one study, “moderate-intense” jump rope can burn 13 calories per minute. And “moderate-intense” means doing anywhere from 100-120 jumps per minute.
Even better, your calories burn will go up more when doing double unders! So learn how to do these to run even more calories!
Pull-up, pushup, squat combo – Burns 13 calories per minute
Talk about hitting all the major muscle groups with this workout combo. You see these 3 exercises paired together quite often and part of the reason is because of the insane caloric burn that they bring.
Tabata squat jumps – Burns 13.4 calories per minute
If you want an incredible cardio and leg burner, try doing 20-seconds on, 10-seconds rest of squat jumps. Not only will this burn a bunch of calories, it can DOUBLE your fat burning post workout according to a few different studies!
Burpees – Burns 14.3 calories per minute
If you can bust out 10 burpees in a minute, you can burn 14.3 calories. That’s definitely doable.
On average, one burpees burns 1.43 calories so it’s really up to you how hard you want to push and how many calories you want to burn each minute.
KB Swing – Burns 20 calories per minute
This is an explosive movement that hits all your big muscles, including your quads, glutes, and core. This movement works super well because it’s not something you’re used to.
Add this to your workouts at least a few times per week.
Sprints – Burns 25+ calories per minute
Certain exercises that you do at your highest intensity for a short period of time is going to burn up a bunch of calories and fat.
And sprinting, is the best way to do that.
When people hit a fat loss plateau or simply want to boost results, I ALWAYS recommend sprinting.
I mean, did you know that a 60-second all out sprint on an AirDyne Bike can burn 87 calories!
Yes, that’s 87 calories in ONE minute. Just look how brutal this is…
Not only that, but sprinting dramatically increases your fat burning for hours after your workout is finished and optimizes the positive fat burning hormones in your body.
Like I said in the beginning, at some point, you need to start bumping up the intensity of your workouts if you want to see better results.
And the exercises above are the perfect place to start.
Start using these in your workouts TODAY!
And don’t forget to give the workout format we went over above a try. It’s a great way to get a more focused workout in that just throwing together a bunch of exercises.
To learn more about how to burn MORE calories in your next workout… Click the NEXT PAGE button below…